Category : POETRY

Behind her pale face & serene expression,
lies an untold story of severe depression;
no one had foreseen this catastrophe,
they were unaware of her mental atrophy.
Her soul must be lurking somewhere nearby, deciphering what these people’s presence implies;
I who knew somewhat of her life’s turbulence
was amazed by her death’s influence.
Seeing the fusion of toxic & neutral relatives, brought incessant flashbacks of positives and negatives;
her life was majorly dictated by societal narratives,
has her death finally rattled people’s dormant sensitivities?!
In addition to poor parental support & nasty neighbourhood,
burdened with strained financial circumstances from childhood;
some genetic & environmental risk factors at play too,
blended in varying proportions and made her diagnosis come through!
None understood the nuances of her mental health,
To avoid ridicule the diagnosis was in stealth (mode);
It affected many major decisions of her life, meanwhile, her demeanour bore the brunt of this strife!
What will it take for this society to realise? Remaining silent about such issues paralyze!
Mental health and its issues need to be analysed,
Visiting psychiatrists & psychologists should be normalised!
Her religion required her to believe in life after death,
Only God knows the circumstance surrounding her last breath;
Alone in this world and alone in the grave she dwelleth,
I pray (for her soul) to the One who truly and completely forgiveth.

1 Comment

  1. Laiba Zuberi

    An excellent depiction by words to emotion.


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