About Us

Aura is a monthly women’s magazine – with a difference. Challenging the status quo of how a women’s magazine is envisioned, Aura’s vision is to expand the boundaries of how “women’s issues” are limited to certain acceptable topics.

We feature writing in the form of personal essays, op-eds, explainers, journalistic pieces, on issues as diverse as politics, health, family, faith & religion, environment and education. We have space for literary criticism in the form of book reviews, as well as a dedicated poetry and short story section. In addition, we welcome more experimental formats which are yet to be fully explored in the world of women’s magazines. We want to bring the best of women’s writing to your screens, in the hope of carving out a space for those voices that have been historically under-represented or silenced.

While we do emphasize finding and shaping women writers, we welcome both men and women from all regions, faiths and backgrounds to critically reflect on many of the issues around us and submit to Aura. This is important in order for us to learn from each other’s experience and knowledge.

We are open to your critique, comments and reviews, at feedback@auramag.in.