Author : Iman Shakeel

Go to the kitchen of life, take those dreams of yours, put in some amount of hard work, add a pinch of inspiration, mix them all in the right proportion and voila! You have prepared for yourself the perfect life on your plate!

Your dreams and how much you are willing to work for them is what makes you unique. Everyone dreams of a better life, an anxiety-free day, a luxurious house etc. But you need to realize that there are always people who dream endlessly, and only a handful who wake up and chase them. It’s your choice to follow the crowd of dreamers or to rise high and pursue them.

A dream will never become a reality if you don’t wake up. Many of us are afraid to wake up from our dreams and ruin them. But don’t you think it would be amazing to manifest your imagination rather than keeping it as a fantasy forever? Don’t wait for someone to ignite you and bring a miracle into your life. Sometimes you have to be your own hero and the master of your destiny’s game to hit the ball into the goal. The realities may bring despair, and you may escape into a fantasy land, but that’s fine – sometimes – because we all need an escape once in a while. Memories are what lead us to our past, and dreams are what help us to move forward.

Remember that your fantasy world is an excellent place to visit occasionally but never the right place to stay. So, revive yourself, become more robust and connect yourself to reality again.

Teenagers are compelled to accomplish the rusted, forgotten dreams of their parents and the expectations of society. I’m not telling you to let down your parents by not obeying them and fulfilling their unfulfilled dreams. But find something that catches your heart and soul. Something for which passion gleams through your eyes when you talk about it to someone. Make your parents understand the inclination behind your dream. Follow your head and heart instead of robotically executing the norms and commandments of society.

Society waits to celebrate your failures and not your success. You only get one chance to lead a life but once is more than enough if you turn the tables in your favour. We are who we choose to be. Nobody is going to save you from your distress, nor can anyone twist and destroy your destiny. You’ve got to protect yourself.

Don’t give up on your dreams. Know that dreamers can never be tamed and never let go of your dream because, in the end, we all are dreamers in an endless universe, and yes, dreams do come true. Dreams are illustrations from the book of your life that your soul writes about you, so make yours a best-seller.

Eleanor Roosevelt wisely quoted –
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Learn from the lives of the successful people who walk with their heads high, but with feet firmly on the ground. Don’t just tell people about your dreams. Unveil and Manifest them!

We all have an effervescence within ourselves that lies far beyond our apprehensions. Don’t let anyone ever plague or blur that spark inside of you with their bricks of negative criticism. Use the buoyancy you feel to extinguish the darkness and ignite the dreamer in you.

Always remember that you have the passion and strength within you to reach for the stars and remould the world. A victorious person is not always goal-oriented, but someone who had a dream, believed in them and reversed the standard course of tides. The stretch that you see between your dreams and reality is action. If you never take action and chase your goals, then you can never bring them to fruition. You visualise your cherished aspirations best when you are awake. So, take a leap of faith, commit yourself to what you want and go for it.


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