As November rolls around, there is an invariable association with the idea of Children’s Day. In today’s India this is even more profound. In the Global Hunger Index 2022, India has slipped six places, landing at 107 out of 121 ranked countries. The Global Hunger Index ranking is based on the values of four indicators – undernourishment, child stunting, child wasting, child mortality. Children’s Day is often celebrated merely with the feel-good idea of giving gifts to children, wishing them or distributing some sweets in schools. But India’s children – future generations of a legacy – are in serious crisis. Particularly post the pandemic, India’s children are ravaged by the social and political realities of negligence and outright social, physical and psychological violence. In this issue we have tried to cover another idea – that of kindness, as marked by World Kindness Day. What does it really mean to be kind to kids? Does it range from a gentle word, to good deeds, to actually rescuing their future in these unsure times? Our contributors have touched upon different aspects of children’s rights – such as debates around adoption, the recent debates around the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and its dubious interventions, nutrition, education for all, and the failing democracy of which these children are a firm part.
Additionally, this issue features writing from the recently concluded English Writers’ Workshop that took place in New Delhi on October 8-10, where young and aspiring writers came together for three days and have produced pieces of writing that merit attentive reading and nurturing from our readers. They have tackled serious issues ranging from the need for sex education to prevent sexual abuse among children to the effects of capitalism on the environment. It is a source of pride for Aura that many of these writers are our long term contributors and have been the backbone of a nascent magazine. We invite constructive feedback particularly on these pieces.
The text of the split verdict in the hijab case in the Supreme Court has also lent itself to debates within the sphere of education. While the lead judge emphasized on the centrality of discipline to the field of education, Justice Dhulia has succinctly reminded us how education itself is a very difficult journey to undertake, particularly for marginalized students like young Muslim girls. Every step is a concerted effort and the job of the judiciary and the state is to make that path easier (in the legacy of being a welfarist state promising right to education), not to add obstacles like banning hijab or restricting their fundamental rights. While the split verdict has left a great deal hanging, we can hope that the Supreme Court will deliver justice, as goes the quote by Lord Atkins which Justice Dhulia mentioned – “finality is good, but justice is better.”