Category : Doctors Speak
Ayurveda gives importance to the care of the Mother in every phase of her life but especially when it comes to antenatal care and postnatal care

Ayurveda gives importance to the care of the Mother in every phase of her life but especially when it comes to antenatal care and postnatal care. Postnatal period begins immediately after the separation of placenta, otherwise called as puerperium or puerperal period. Postnatal care co-relates with Sutika Paricharya explained in Ayurvedic classics. Gharbini (the pregnant women) and Sutika Paricharya are well described by our ancient Ayurvedic scholars in their respective Samhitas. Gharbhini is much more prone to disease due to the aggravation of doshas (ailments). This further may be aggravated during delivery and puerperium due to loss of blood and other important dhatus of body. Therefore she needs special and proper care during pregnancy as well as during puerperium. The regimen that helps a woman to regain her lost vitality and help her body to revert back to her pre-pregnant state is called Sutika Paricharya, as during this period she restores her health and strength.
The first three months after delivery is very important for the mother. During this period the expanded uterus shrinks back to its normal position. Ligaments, muscles and tendons associated with the uterus start gaining back the lost power.

General management, diet and mode of life.

  • Massage with herbal oils.
  • Oral administration of medicated fats along with medicines and decoctions.
  • Medicated meat soup from 7th to 12th day.
  • Care after delivery
  • Oil massage and hot water bath (Abhyanga)
  • Abhyanga tones up the pelvic floor, abdominal, back muscle, and tissues and relieve the muscle spasms. Oils preferred are balaswagandhadi taila, Dhanwantharam taila, bala taila. If the delivery was through surgery (cesarean) then better to avoid the lower abdominal area, till the suture heals completely.
Parisheka (Pouring hot water)

Parisheka is pouring hot water into a stream. It is vatakaphahara, vedanahara (vatadosha subsides).

Lumbar belt

Using an abdomen belt with moderate pressure at least for 4 to 5 hours a day helps to strengthen the back, and support the uterus and ligaments.


Strenuous work and heavy weight lifting are totally discouraged. Uterine prolapse is linked to improper care of the mother after delivery.


All the medicines and herbs mentioned below are never advised together. An Ayurvedic specialist usually gives the mother a combination of a few medicines depending on her symptoms and condition.

1. Dashamoolarishtam: Dashamoolarishtam is extremely effective in boosting your immunity and keeping infections at bay. It is usually prescribed for the first few months, as it also helps reduce inflammation and pain.

2. Jeerakarishtam: Jeerakarishtam is well known for inducing normal lactation, and is usually prescribed to mothers during the monsoon or winter seasons. This is because it keeps the body warm owing to its hot nature.

3. Shatavari Gulam: Improve lactation and achieve overall hormonal balance by consuming Shatavari Gulam.

4. Pulileham: Pulileham is administered to new mothers from the third week onwards for about a month and a half.

5. Shatavari: Shatavari herb is mixed with boiling milk to improve the production of breast milk and avoid postpartum depression. It is also useful for the normal involution of the uterus.

6. Musta: Apart from improving breast milk production, musta herbs also relieve clogs in milk ducts and inflammation


  1. Momin Aaisha siddiqua

    Good knowledge ??

  2. Febin



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