Category : Tips
Author : Yaaseen Basit
When we understand the “Law of the Seed”, we do not get disappointed. We also stop feeling like victims. We learn how to deal with things that happen to us. Laws of nature are not things to be taken personally. We just need to understand them and work with them. In order to deal with the challenges of life we need to have strong life skills. The World Health Organization defined life skills as, “the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. UNICEF defines life skills as “a behaviour change or behaviour development approach designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude, and skills”.

During the nineties, a student having an engineering degree along with a management degree was considered much sought after but the scene is not the same now. It is not that such students have no worth but the demand of the society has changed. Being a student one must have a quest for excellence in whatever you are doing.

The first thing is self-satisfaction without that you can’t maintain perfect excellence during your journey to success. The passion for excellence is a “characteristic trait” of successful people; they don’t believe in the theory of “it will not make a difference”, but they evaluate their work and feel that everything they do makes a difference. To explain this difference, I have a short story.

Some management students were on a tour with their Professor. The Professor was discussing career-making with them. Points in favour and against were discussed; in the meantime, they reached a place where a number of people were engaged in the construction of a school.

The Professor asked one of the workers there, “What are you doing?” Quick came the reply, “To break the stones is in my fate and I am doing the same.” The Professor and his students moved on and asked another worker the same question. The reply came, “I am arranging bread for my family as it is my moral duty to feed them. I did not get another job, so I am doing this job.” They moved further and asked another worker the same question. The reply came, “Helping in constructing a beautiful school and this way I am able to pay my debt to the Almighty.”

The Professor then explained to his students. The first man is working in distress, the second one is only earning his livelihood working like a machine but the third one is taking an interest in whatever he is doing. Only people like the third worker can make a successful career. They become successful only in due course of time. Take interest in doing whatever has been entrusted to you, bring the best result and see the difference.

It is your attitude which plays a significant role here. To enjoy something irrespective of its toughness is a state of mind that very few people are capable of. Most of the time they think “Why me”, in return they never get an answer. Some of us go to the extent of blaming our parents and destiny for this. Everyone does not get everything but most of us get most of the things. We imagine those things which are missing in our life but are with others. We must learn to enjoy what we have then yearn for what we do not have. But missing something in life pushes you towards goal achievement and it is an essential phenomenon of success. The individual who cannot enjoy his present, in whatever form it may be, is sure not to enjoy the future as he will always find some missing portion in all cases. Be sure to see the brighter side of whatever you are performing at present. It will boost your morale to achieve your dream career. 

A banyan tree does not get its present shape from the beginning but in due course of time, it achieves its height. Go on performing to the best of your capacity and you will be amazed to get your desired result in due course of time without any hassles as you have learnt to enjoy your work. An academically and technically sound individual may not enjoy his work as he has something else in his mind whereas a less competent individual on the same job may enjoy it truly by generating a love for the work. The performance of both individuals will differ drastically due to their nature to enjoy the work.

Take a look at an apple tree. There might be five hundred apples on a tree and each apple has approximately ten seeds. That’s a good number! We might ask, “Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more apple trees?” Nature has something to teach us here. It’s telling us: “Not all seeds grow. In life, most seeds never grow.” So if you really want to make something happen, you better try more than once.” This might mean: You’ll have to attend twenty interviews to get one job. You’ll interview forty people to find one good employee. You’ll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car or a business idea and you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend.

When we understand the “Law of the Seed”, we do not get disappointed. We also stop feeling like victims. We learn how to deal with things that happen to us. Laws of nature are not things to be taken personally. We just need to understand them and work with them. In order to deal with the challenges of life we need to have strong life skills. The World Health Organization defined life skills as, “the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. UNICEF defines life skills as “a behaviour change or behaviour development approach designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude, and skills”.

The life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, creative thinking, critical thinking, self-awareness, empathy, interpersonal relationship, effective communication, coping with stress, and coping with emotions are essential skills for the growth and development of oneself and the development of society at large. Apart from having a degree or diploma, the thing which will make you stand out from the crowd is the ability to learn new skills and implement those skills in different projects and inventions for the welfare of humanity. These skills will set you apart from the competition. There are many websites from where one can learn new skills and get certifications.

The following list is a list of skill development websites: for vocational education and training.


There are many online platforms which will provide you with an opportunity to learn from international professors and gain knowledge about the latest trends. Success is what we perceive and not what others perceive for us. So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature and your achievements. As they say, “Changes in human life have always been brought by sincere people who put their best efforts for mankind”.


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