Category : World Poetry Day
Author : Vania Syed

She is a 20-year-old English Literature student at Delhi University, who writes poems, articles and book reviews.

I open the page,
And dive into the gratifying biblichor,
To once again, sojourn the age
When fairies, princes, knights and elves
Were the home I always turned to,
Once again, I arrive at this place,
That once provided me with solace,
I walk to the beach of the ocean blue,
The sand on my feet felt too good to be true,
And I could hear a faint humming voice
Which kept growing louder with every step I took,
I couldn’t find the source; wherever I looked
The melancholic voice seemed to be coming out of a boy
Oblivious to why it reminded me of ‘Helen of Troy.’
I kept following the melody,
Moving with the belief that I would soon reach my destiny,
Relishing the wind caressing my face,
I once again fell in love with this place,
Knowing that I had to go back,
To the present, from where I came
Where everything is bound to be the same,
A yearning deep within my soul
For a place that I call home
A land that makes me whole
A place that is seeped with magic,
So many events that are tragic,
Is this what they call ‘Hiraeth’?
Where my longing is never complete,
My heart beats rapidly
I look for comfort, every turn, every street
I have grown used to this feeling,
In all that I say or do,
No matter what they utter,
It is a love that comes from you.


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