Category : Women's Hub
Author : Shanza Shagaf

The author channels her passion for writing alongside her academic pursuits, showcasing a genuine commitment to education and creative expression.
وَإِذَا ٱلْمَوْءُۥدَةُ سُئِلَتْ بِأَىِّ ذَنۢبٍۢ قُتِلَتْ
“…and when baby girls, buried alive, are asked for what crime they were put to death”Qur’an (81:8-9)

The intentional killing of a female foetus because of its gender is known as female foeticide, and it is a severe issue for the civilisations in which it is still practised. This article investigates this silent pandemic’s origins, effects, and potential remedies. Examining the historical background of female foeticide is necessary to comprehend its origins. Due to sociocultural norms and economic circumstances, there has been a centuries-long preference for male children in many societies. The assumption that male heirs guarantee the continuation of family lineage and offer financial stability is frequently the root of the practice.

Major Reasons:

Deep-Rooted Gender Bias: In many societies, there is a firmly entrenched societal preference for male offspring, which supports the notion that males are necessary to continue family legacies.

Economic Pressures: A significant contributing element to female foeticide is the economy. Families in societies with dowry systems find providing daughters with substantial dowries financially burdensome.

Lack of Education: Female foeticide is more common in areas with poor literacy rates. Combating this issue requires educating communities about gender equality and the adverse effects of such practices.

Gender Imbalance Because of Female Foeticide

 A skewed gender ratio is the most direct effect of female foeticide. This mismatch has serious social ramifications that impact community stability and marriage relations.

Psychological Impact on Women: Gender-based prejudices and discrimination are reinforced when women feel inferior due to society’s desire for male offspring.

Social Instability: Over time, a male-to-female ratio may exacerbate social instability, resulting in higher crime rates and other societal problems.

Legal Measures and Challenges   

Laws Prohibiting Gender-Based Abortions: Gender-based abortions are illegal in several nations. Strict restrictions are required to dissuade perpetrators, yet enforcement is still tricky.

Raising Awareness: To increase public understanding of the effects of female foeticide, governments and nonprofit groups must collaborate. Education campaigns have the power to alter public perceptions.

Global Views 

Female foeticide is a worldwide problem with differing degrees of frequency; it is not limited to any one area. International cooperation is necessary to tackle this issue in its entirety.

Participation in the Community and Grassroots Movements

To combat ingrained bias, grassroots initiatives that empower communities can play a crucial role. Communities may eradicate the core causes of female foeticide via local education and discussion.

Female foeticide is a complex problem that needs immediate action. It not only maintains gender inequality but also has significant ramifications for society at large. By implementing appropriate legislative measures, education, and root cause analysis, society may work toward a more equal future in which all children, regardless of gender, are respected and accepted. To eradicate female foeticide and establish a culture where every life is valued, we must work together across national boundaries and cultural divides.


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