Category : Ramadan Special
Author : Heba Shakeel

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar, is a spiritually significant month in Islam, not only from the aspect of fasting, but also because it was during this blessed month that the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel: in Arabic) first delivered the divine words of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad over 1,400 years ago. This is a month of heightened spiritual reflection and self-discipline. It aims to enable Muslims to cultivate a deeper connection with their faith and increased awareness of their actions.

In today’s world, dominated by digital distractions, Ramadan serves as a reminder for us to slow down and reconnect with our own humanity. Here, I present 10 essential etiquettes to make the most of this blessed month.

1. With absolute enthusiasm and sincerity, make an effort to sight the crescent of the blessed month of Ramadan. Upon sighting the crescent, recite this supplication:

 الله أكبر، اللهم أهلّه علينا بالأمن والإيمان، والسَّلامة والإسلام، والتَّوفيق لما تُحبّ ربنا وترضى، ربّنا وربّك الله

“Allah is the Greatest. O Allah, let this crescent appear on us with security and faith, with safety and Islam, and success in what You love and are pleased with. (O moon!) Our Lord and Your Lord is Allah.” (Reported by Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban, and others)

2. Fasting is a unique form of worship that cannot be replaced by any other act of worship. This is the reason why fasting was made obligatory upon every community before us as well as on us. Allah Almighty states:

“O You who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you, that you may become God-fearing.’ (Qur’an, Al-Baqarah: 183)

Fasting should be observed only to please Allah, to win reward in the eternal world and to avoid all evils which violate the spirit of fasting. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the noble purpose of fasting, saying: “Whoever does not give up false speech (i.e., telling lies), and practicing falsehood while fasting, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

3. Make a sincere effort to stay away from all forms of evil during fasting. The purpose of fasting is to purify one’s lifestyle. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated: “Fasting serves as a shield. So, when one of you is fasting, he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice in anger. If someone expresses abusive behavior towards him or is inclined to start an argument with him, he should remember that he is in the state of fasting (and not reciprocate offensive behavior.)’”(Sahih al-Bukhari)

4. Bear the hardships of the fast cheerfully. Do not show weakness or lethargy in your behavior during the fast. Do not degrade the sanctity of the fast by complaining of the pangs of hunger, thirst or weakness. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that: “On the Day of Judgement, fasting will intercede with Allah and say: “O Creator! I prevented this man from eating, drinking and taking other pleasures during the day. O Allah! Allow me to intercede for him.” (Mishkat)

5. During Ramadan, cultivate a special enthusiasm for worship. In addition to obligatory prayers, make an effort to observe voluntary prayers (Nawafil) also, and strive to engage in maximum acts of goodness. Let your efforts be dedicated to earning as much virtue as possible. This esteemed and blessed month is a special period of divine favor and mercy from Allah.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, while announcing the arrival of Ramadan on the last day of Sha’ban, said: “Behold, a month of great reverence and blessings is about to unfold upon you – there is a night within it that surpasses a thousand months in its significance. It is a month in which Allah has ordained fasting as an obligatory act and voluntary night prayers have been recommended. Whoever performs a good deed with his own free will in this month will receive rewards equivalent to the obligatory acts performed in other months. Furthermore, the one who fulfills an obligatory act during this month will receive rewards equal to seventy obligatory acts performed in other months.”

6. Devote special attention to the recitation of the Qur’an. This month holds a unique connection with the Holy Qur’an, as it was revealed during this month. Therefore, strive to read the Qur’an as much as possible. Recite and ponder upon the verses with care and understanding. Try to comprehend and absorb its meanings. Along with abundant recitation, make an effort to derive lessons and impact from it. Being present and engaged in understanding is as crucial as the act of recitation.

7. Perform Taraweeh (special nightly prayers) with humility, devotion, and enthusiasm. Instead of rushing through to complete the counting of Rak’ahs in a mechanical fashion, pray with composure and reflection, so that its impact can be felt in your life and your connection with your Creator is strengthened. Additionally, if Allah grants the ability, consider incorporating Tahajjud (late night prayers) into your routine.

8. Focus on performing an abundance of voluntary prayers on Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Glory) and engage in recitation of the Qur’an. The significance of this night lies in the fact that the Qur’an was revealed on this night. It is the night in which significant decisions are announced and destiny is shaped. Allah, the Almighty mentions about this night in the Holy Qur’an (Surah Qadr):

“Indeed, ˹it is˺ We ˹Who˺ sent this ˹Qur’an˺ down on the Night of Glory. And what will make you realize what the Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months. That night the angels and the ˹holy˺ spirits descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every ˹decreed˺ matter. It is all peace until the break of dawn.”

One of the recommended supplications to recite during this night is:

اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعفُ عني

“O Allah, Forgiveness is Your Greatest Attribute, and You love to forgive. So forgive me.”

9. Interact with people with utmost gentleness and compassion. Make sure to be easy-going with those who surround you. Provide them with as much comfort as possible, fulfill their needs with generosity, and exhibit mercy and forbearance towards your family members. Be exceedingly kind and considerate in your dealings with everyone.

10. Supplicate abundantly with utmost humility and enthusiasm. It is narrated in a Hadith that Allah commands the angels who lift the Throne to leave their worship and say Ameen (Arabic term for expressing desire for Allah’s acceptance and fulfillment of the prayer) to the prayers of those observing fasting in Ramadan. Therefore, embrace a sense of helplessness and fervor while engaging in increased prayers and supplications during this blessed month.

Our Lord, allow us to fulfill the purpose of Ramadan and enable us to use this period for introspection and improvement. May this month serve as a reminder for us to reflect on the plight of those less fortunate. O Allah, do not let the upcoming Ramadan pass without leaving a positive impact on us. Assist us in our quest to find that blessed night you have adorned within Ramadan. Help us in praising You, and guide us to control our speech, hearing, and sight. O Allah, we wish to be drenched in Your showers of mercy and blessings. Through Your guidance, mercy, and grace, may our sins be forgiven. Our Lord, grant us the opportunity to reach Ramadan.


  1. Ruqayya Subhani

    Your gentle reminder for Ramadan is greatly appreciated. You have encapsulated all the important instructions in a way that is easy to understand and remember.
    May Allah assist us in obtaining his abundant reward.

  2. Anonymous

    May Allah make us among those who make the most of this Ramadan.


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