Category : Healthy Life
Islam is the religion of nature, which completely guides the entire humanity in every field. Islamic teachings are inclusive of all aspects of beliefs and worship, society and affairs and morals and manners. There are also moderate instructions of Islam in the matter of hygiene and fitness, following which we can not only lead a healthy life but can also be protected from many deadly diseases.

Islam is the religion of nature, which completely guides the entire humanity in every field. Islamic teachings are inclusive of all aspects of beliefs and worship, society and affairs and morals and manners. There are also moderate instructions of Islam in the matter of hygiene and fitness, following which we can not only lead a healthy life but can also be protected from many deadly diseases.

Health is a great blessing of Allah. One should avoid harmful health issues, including eating too much or sleeping too much, eating too little or sleeping too little, or being too busy, suffering from grief and mental anxiety, or devoting yourself to any activity that does not involve physical movement, which leads to obesity.
From this, it is known that health is also desired and intended, it was said in a hadith: “Your body also has a right over you, and your eyes also have a right over you.” (Sahih Bukhari) In a hadith it was said: There are two blessings about which many people are at a disadvantage (i.e. they are not asked to do anything that would benefit them in religion) one is health and the other is carelessness. (Sahih Bukhari) Being hungry causes health to deteriorate and it will affect a person’s body and he will not be able to perform other duties.
Health is one of the few precious blessings in the world that we do not value while it lasts, but as soon as it leaves us, we immediately realize that it is more precious than all our other blessings. When we see various complex and fatal diseases, we feel that our health is a special grace and a great favour of Allah Almighty, but despite this, most people do not value this great blessing, as the Prophet (PBUH) predicted: “People are usually deceived about two blessings: health and leisure.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet (PBUH) (peace & blessings of Allah be on him) said: “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death “ (Baihaqi). From this, it can be understood that the health and strength of youth and leisure and financial capacity are great blessings.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Allah has sent down both disease & medicine and He has also made medicine for every disease. Take what is good medicine and do not take medicine with something forbidden.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
A person should be strong, powerful, and capable. It is also required by Shari’ah to strive and adopt means. The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said: A believer with strength is better and dearer to Allah than a believer with less strength.
Food is useful when it is well digested, and digesting food requires effort and exercise. If a person is engaged in reading, teaching, or any other occupation in which he has an opportunity for exercise and he performs Islamic duties and obligations in a good way, then he does not need so much exercise. The needs can be fulfilled by waking up early in the morning, performing ablution, performing ghusl, praying, fasting, going for Hajj and Jihad and other Islamic commands. However, additional exercises are also useful considering the sedentary lifestyle of most people today.

Sleep is also important for health. A healthy person needs eight hours of sleep a day and night. due to hard work and work throughout the day, the physical forces get tired and require rest. Allah Ta’ala has fulfilled this natural need by dividing human life into day and night. Allah says: “It is God Who made the night for you to rest in it and made the day bright to Work.” (Surat al-Momin: 61) The method of sleep mentioned by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is completely natural and there is no better method for maintaining health than going to bed early, doing ablution, and being concerned about getting up early in the morning.

Food is the backbone of health. A balanced & moderate diet maintains the health of a person. He develops properly and his ability to work is also developed. In this regard, the Qur’an has summed up ancient medicine and modern medicine in just three sentences. God says: “Eat, drink, and do not go beyond the limit.” (Surah Al A’raf:31) These three are the rules with which no one disagrees, as food and drink is the basic need of life and without it a person cannot live, nor can he perform his duties in a good way, but doing it in moderation is necessary for health. Not eating, or eating less than necessary makes the human body sick, while eating more than necessary puts a burden on the stomach beyond its capacity, and stomach disorder is the root of all diseases.
The cleanliness of the house and environment and the balance of the mood also greatly impact health. Islam has demanded that humans’ whole lives be pure and clean. Adopt an attitude of repentance & be very pure”. Sa’id ibn al-Musayyib (RA), a companion of the Prophet(PBUH) said: “Verily Allah is Pure & loves purity, Clean and loves cleanliness, Noble and loves nobility, Generous and loves generosity. So, keep your courtyards [of your homes] clean.” If a person wants to keep himself healthy and energetic, then he has to adopt the methods mentioned by the Prophet (PBUH): waking up early in the morning, brushing his teeth, eating when he feels hungry, stopping eating before he is full , Eating simple food, walking after Fajr prayer, resting after lunch, walking after dinner, washing hands before eating, drinking water in three breaths, sitting down while drinking, , cleaning the plate well and avoiding intoxicating and harmful things, etc. There are numerous rules for staying healthy. Modern science has proved that the principles and methods of staying healthy which the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has taught form the basic guiding light for any person who wants to lead a healthy life.


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