Category : Tips

Nowadays, clutter is also coming in the digital form like overflowing email inboxes or too many documents on the desktop. Day by day files overcrowd the computers or mobile phones and even hang because of unnecessary files and data. Managing old and new data on your computer might overwhelm you.

For me, clutter is defined as the things/possessions which are not required but still stay with us for reasons unknown. Accumulating too many things, usually known as hoarding is a human tendency to feel secure. But when taken to its excess, this is a kind of mental disorder which allows us to escape from making the right decisions at the right time. Clutter adds a lot of stress and uneasiness in the mind especially visual clutter which is apparent and shouts to state that ‘I am going to stay with you, because of your inefficiency’.

Nowadays, clutter is also coming in the digital form like overflowing email inboxes or too many documents on the desktop. Day by day files overcrowd the computers or mobile phones and even hang because of unnecessary files and data. Managing old and new data on your computer might overwhelm you.

Clutter makes our lives complicated and far from peace. Because there will be thoughts always floating in our minds like ‘what to do with those things?’. So, it has the capacity not only to make the space cluttered but also our minds. It impacts our mental health and takes away the peace and focus from our minds.

Home is a place to rest and relax. But, clutter can make this beautiful place too ugly space for staying. According to the latest study, women who reported more clutter in their homes had higher levels of the stress hormone called cortisol throughout the day compared to women who had less clutter.

If we can reduce our clutter or maintain a clutter-free space, it will be much easier to organize things, save money, time, and energy and we can do our daily chores more enjoyably and live a Dream Life.

Visual clutter is very annoying and disturbing to the eyes and mind. One should remember clutter attracts clutter. Mindful and intentional living along with strong systems and routines help in tackling the clutter monster at bay. Minimal but essential things should only be around us but not the ‘just in case things’, duplicates, unnecessary décor items, collections etc. Less is always more when you declutter.
The things which are hanging with us endlessly and of course not used frequently, occupying our prestigious space are better to be used by others who genuinely need them. So, it is a wise decision that instead of allowing the things to degenerate and decompose at your place, donate or gift somebody who will enjoy and use those things.

Things which give you joy and have value to you should only stay and not the ones which satisfy your false ego. According to many reports and the latest study, clutter is connected with mental health, especially women’s mental health. The impact is negative ranging from increased levels of stress, lack of focus and peace, and toll on relationships etc.
One should emphasise enjoying life experiences with family and friends instead of collecting things and hoarding our houses. Never forget that ‘Houses are our living spaces, not storage rooms’.

Clutter in our places also makes us procrastinate things and makes our time management ineffective and therefore we cannot concentrate on goals. We are disorganized and spend most of the time trying to search or find the things which we usually dig from the piles or towers of things which we don’t require.

We tend to hoard or accumulate things because of many psychological conditions like we want the things which we see pretty at others’ homes or dresses they change frequently or succumbing to the unnecessary demands of kids every time we shop etc. It is also recognized that people who have low self-esteem or insecure persons, try to please themselves and feel secure by shopping and collecting things. But actually, they never feel contentment as they are continuously involved in having more and more which ultimately becomes an unmanageable disaster.

Other times we connect emotionally with the things called sentimental items like old photos, the first things used by kids, wedding dresses, souvenirs etc. and are attached to them permanently and fear to discard them.

To declutter and live happily is very simple and can be achieved when we make our lives simple. Have fewer things, shop rarely and only those things which are needed for living. All other possessions need to be removed or decluttered. After decluttering, organize things properly. Again fewer things can be organized well and if things exceed the limits, organizing becomes ineffective and insignificant.

The result of decluttering will be amazing, suddenly you feel like an unburdened heavy weight from your shoulder, space looks more beautiful and tidy. You start appreciating the things which you have. You will be grateful for all the possessions and it will be a greatly refreshing feeling. Cleaning the place will become an easy task and there will be no mess at all nooks and corners. You will be looking forward to coming back to a peaceful, tidy, organized and relaxing environment.
Happy decluttering!

1 Comment

  1. Huma Khan

    Very effective and helpful.! Thanks !


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