Forgiveness A Great Virtue @auramag
Author : Bint Shareef

Once, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sat in the Masjid with his companions, engrossed in some important discussion. Just then, his gaze shifted towards the door, and he spontaneously remarked to his companions, “There is the person of paradise.” an unassuming man entered the masjid, prompting the companions to turn towards him and have a glimpse of the person of paradise. Eventually, driven by curiosity, one of the companions followed him to his home, asking the person permission to stay with him for three days. He aimed to find out the exceptional deed that granted this man a place in paradise. Over three days, the Prophet’s companion found no extraordinary qualities emerging from the man. Finally, the companion revealed to him the proclamation of the Prophet (pbuh), asking for the secret goodness he possesses. After pondering for some time, he replied, “In fact, I cannot recall any exceptional deeds, except one: every night before sleeping, I forgive everyone who wronged me, thus retiring with a clear conscience.”
The ability to forgive is a great virtue, offering immense happiness and tranquillity to the mind. It acts as a powerful antidote to the resentment that may fester towards those who have wronged us, extinguishing the flames of vengeance that may burn within. Indeed, forgiveness is akin to a soothing touch, soothing the wounds and fostering inner peace. Nurturing such noble qualities safeguards our mental and physical well-being.
The wounds from those who have wronged us often remain in our minds, haunting us with pain and hostility. Even though we may harbour hatred towards them, they remain in our hearts, controlling our thoughts and minds. Holding on to such resentment is like self-inflicted torture because the wrongdoer may have long forgotten their transgressions while we remain imprisoned by our malice. This constant disturbance of the mind weakens our intellect and clouds our ability to think clearly. Clinging to hatred is similar to holding a burning cinder, intending to cast it at the offender, yet only succeeding in burning ourselves.
Pardoning someone for their transgressions doesn’t equate to condoning their misconduct. Nor does it call for disregarding their errors and enabling future wrongdoing. Forgiveness is acknowledging the harm inflicted, allowing the healing process to commence. It releases the grip of pain and resentment, preventing it from eternally haunting us. By embracing forgiveness, we unburden ourselves and move ahead in life. While doing so, not only do the transgressors often reflect on their actions, but we also gain the capacity to offer guidance to them when necessary.
Forgiveness is an extraordinary quality. It is seen only in those with strong mental strength. It is a profound expression of humanity. It is a testament to inner strength rather than weakness. Gandhiji’s beautiful quote, “Forgiveness is the sign of the strong. The weak can never forgive.”, summarises it perfectly. As mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: “But he who patiently endures and forgives, that is a conduct of great resolve (to aspire to) (Qur’an- 42:43)


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