Fathers Architects of Strength Guidance and Support @auramag
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Author : Sufiya Tazeen

Fathers often weave the threads of strength, guidance, and support in the intricate web of family bonds. They quietly assume the role of an unsung hero who embodies a unique blend of protector, provider, and mentor. As we observe Father’s Day, let’s enlighten ourselves on how profoundly fathers impact the lives of their children and the very fabric of society.
Father’s Day is dedicated to honouring and celebrating the men who have impacted our lives. Fathers play a crucial role in shaping who we are as individuals through their guidance, support, or unwavering presence. But beyond the customary gatherings and gift-giving traditions lies a deeper appreciation for all that fatherhood entails – from sacrifices made behind closed doors to navigating mental health challenges.
Fathers are often portrayed as the stoic, unemotional breadwinners of the family. But their role extends far beyond that stereotype. Fathers, through their presence, play a crucial part in building strong families and healthy communities. By being present and involved in their children’s lives, fathers can provide stability and support essential for healthy development.

Acknowledging the Role of the Father

Recent psychological research emphasises fathers’ vital role in shaping their children’s emotional and social development (Pedaraki and Tsachtsiri, 2008). Over the past few decades, scholars and professionals have increasingly focused on understanding the unique contributions of fathers. The changing dynamics of modern families fuel this growing interest, and many studies show that actively involved fathers positively impact their children and the overall well-being of the family unit and the fathers themselves (Allen & Daly, 2007).

Psychological Significance of the Father

The science of psychology and psychiatry strongly recommends nurturing the bond between a father and a child from infancy, even before birth. Fathers are crucial for fostering the child’s independence, influencing gender identity, and instilling moral values. Typically, they provide a sense of security for the child and are perceived as the family’s protector and guardian. According to Sigmund Freud, fathers symbolise security, power, and authority in a child’s life.

A Good Role Model

Fathers who establish healthy communication with the mother of their children and maturely handle conflicts are more likely to have boys who understand how to treat women and are less likely to act aggressively towards women. Girls who have their dads participate in their upbringing come to understand what qualities to look for in men, and they tend to avoid being in dysfunctional relationships. Instead, research has shown that spouses who exhibit anger and contempt towards their wives are more likely to have children who are restless, anxious, more withdrawn or antisocial (Gable, Crnic, Belsky, 1994).

Fewer Psychological and Behavioral Problems

According to research by Flouri and Buchanan (2002), fathers’ involvement in their children’s lives before age seven can safeguard against adjustment challenges during adolescence. A study involving school children revealed that those with stronger bonds with their fathers were less prone to depression, disruptive behaviour, or dishonesty and demonstrated higher levels of pro-social conduct. Additionally, boys whose fathers were actively engaged exhibited fewer behavioural issues in school, while girls showed enhanced self-esteem, as evidenced by findings from Mosley and Thompson’s study in 1995.

Paternal Influence on Academic Success

Fathers play a crucial role in fostering their children’s cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development. Several research findings indicate that fathers who actively engage in their children’s daily routines, including educating and playing with them during infancy, contribute to the development of higher IQ, improved language and cognitive skills, and enhanced academic readiness as they begin school (Rowe, Cocker, & Pan, 2004; Pancsofar & Vernon-Feagans, 2006). Moreover, these children often exhibit greater patience and resilience in managing school-related stress and challenges than those with less involved fathers (Pruett, 2000; Sternberg, 1997). In essence, the level of paternal involvement significantly influences children’s overall academic preparedness and emotional resilience during their educational journey.

Addressing Absent Fathers: Importance of Male Role Models

In instances where fathers are absent, children are left without a male role model, leading them to navigate their male identity mindlessly. This void often results in boys imitating stereotypical male behaviours prevalent in society, such as hardness, aggression, and violence, which can hinder their ability to form healthy relationships. In extreme cases, this search for a male identity can lead boys to adopt delinquent behaviours (Soulandrou I.). Research, including an international study involving over 100,000 children, indicates that a distant or cold relationship with a father can have long-lasting, detrimental effects on a child’s life, extending into adulthood (Rohner, 1998).

In such circumstances, it is beneficial for
children to have another male figure as a role model and mentor. Mothers can play a crucial role by facilitating closer interactions between their child & a male figure from their immediate or extended environment, providing a substitute father figure.
Additionally, absent fathers should be encouraged to remain involved in their children’s lives, even if they cannot be physically present. For example, they can maintain engagement by recording themselves reading books for their child. This proactive approach can help mitigate the negative impacts of a father’s absence and contribute to the healthy development of children’s identities and relationships.


In conclusion, fathers play a multifaceted and indispensable role in their children’s lives and society. Beyond the traditional roles of breadwinners and disciplinarians, fathers serve as emotional pillars, mentors, and role models, significantly influencing their children’s development and well-being. The impact of involved and present fathers extends from shaping academic success to fostering positive social behaviours and emotional resilience. Even in a father’s absence, a male role model can mitigate negative outcomes, highlighting the importance of male figures in children’s lives. As we celebrate Father’s Day, let us recognise and honour fathers’ profound influence in shaping the fabric of our families and communities.

Fathers are often portrayed as the stoic, unemotional breadwinners of the family. But their role extends far beyond that stereotype. Fathers, through their presence, play a crucial part in building strong families and healthy communities. By being present and involved in their children’s lives, fathers can provide stability and support essential for healthy development.

Allen, S. M., & Daly, K. (2007). The effects of father involvement: An updated research summary of the evidence. Retrieved from https://www.fatherhood.gov/sites/default/files/resource_files/Father_Involvement_Effects_Update.pdf
Gable, S., Crnic, K., & Belsky, J. (1994). Coparenting during the child’s 2nd year: Family process in relation to children’s
And family’s adaptation. Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 478-488.
Pancsofar, N., & Vernon-Feagans, L. (2006). Mother and father language input to young children: Contributions to later
Language development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 27(6), 571-587.
Pedaraki, E., & Tsachtsiri, E. (2008). The influence of fathers on children’s mental health. European Psychiatry, 23(1), S212.
Pruett, K. (2000). Fatherneed: Why father care is as essential as mother care for your child. New York: Free Press.
Rohner, R. P. (1998). The warmth dimension: Foundations of parental acceptance-rejection theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Rowe, M., Cocker, K., & Pan, B. A. (2004). A comparison of fathers’ and mothers’ talk to toddlers in low-income families.
Social Development, 13(2), 278-291.
Soulandrou I. (n.d.). The Impact of Father Absence on Children and Adolescents: Revisiting a Longitudinal Study. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/22334544/The_Impact_of_Father_Absence_on_Children_and_Adolescents_Revisiting_a_Longitudinal_Study
Sternberg, R. J. (1997). Handbook of intelligence. Cambridge University Press.
Mosley, P. L., & Thompson, M. P. (1995). Father-absent children in hospitalized cases: Findings from a study of 100 cases.
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 12(5), 381-394.


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