Category : EDITORIAL
India is eagerly awaiting June 4th, anxious to witness the culmination of the unusually extended, mammoth general elections that started on April 19th and are still underway. The ruling party has exercised all possible ways to achieve the desired outcome. In many constituencies, the opponents were strategically put out of the race before it began, some laws about elections were changed just months before the process started, the poll authority is tactfully kept under control, the bank accounts of the main opposition party were frozen, two opposition chief ministers who lead the I.N.D.I.A block are jailed, and many such efforts are being made to curb the spirit of unity of the people of India and the opposition parties. The PM has his tongue let loose with a series of hate speeches repeatedly attacking a particular community, thereby showing how terrified he is of losing the election and being forsaken by his loyals. On the other hand, the moral bankruptcy of the so-called ‘leaders’ is exposed by the passing day. The sitting MP of Karnataka’s Hassan district, who is the grandson of the JDS Supremo – the former PM of India, is accused of abusing several women and forcing the suppression of his crime through threats and fear-mongering. Videos allegedly showing his sexual abuse against women have been widely circulated. It is all about the blatant abuse of political power, caste supremacy, gender dominance, and feudal culture. Besides, the electoral alliance with the ruling right-wingers also plays a role in the fearlessness towards the law and the elevated scale of crimes by the accused meted out to the women of his constituency. Let us not forget that even after a year, Manipur is still haunted by death, devastation and innumerable crimes against the marginalised community there. Crime against women, rape and lynching dominates the various atrocities seen in Manipur. Although the Prime Minister keeps claiming that he has instructed the administrative machinery to resolve the problems, Manipur is still burning, and the authorities have turned a blind eye to it. The month of June comes with the joy of Eid ul Adha, reminding us of the unparalleled obedience of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his family towards The Creator. Especially the unique sacrifice, presence of mind and dedication of the courageous Hajar, whose submission to the will of the Almighty gave rise to a prosperous and vibrant civilisation in the barren land of Makkah. As always, Aura is committed to enriching its readers with articles of various interests. The discussion in the June issue is around many contemporary affairs and educative topics. We look forward to your comments, critiques, and encouragement. Aura wishes its readers and admirers a joyous Eid ul Adha.


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