Celebrating International Food Safety Day A Commitment to Health and Well-being @auramag
Category : Food & Health

In recent years, headlines and news flashes on widespread outbreaks of foodborne diseases caused by lapses in food safety or emerging pathogens have provided vivid reminders that food not only nourishes and sustains us but, if handled unsafely, can be a major threat to health and well-being.
Keeping this in mind, On June 7th, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) are celebrating their sixth annual World Food Safety Day with the theme of “Food Safety-Prepare for the Unexpected”.
According to WHO, 1,60,000 people get sick due to unsafe food in one day; on average, 340 children under five years of age die due to preventable foodborne diseases every day and 200 diseases are caused by unsafe food, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers.
It all began when the United Nations General Assembly established World Food Safety Day in 2018 to raise awareness of the importance of food safety. This led to WHO and FAO jointly facilitating World Food Safety Day observance in collaboration with Member States and other stakeholders.
Its goal is to draw attention and inspire action to help, prevent, detect, and manage food-borne risks, promote global efforts to ensure food safety for everyone and raise awareness about the importance of adopting good food safety practices at every stage of the food supply chain. From farm to fork, each step in the journey of food production, processing, distribution, and preparation presents opportunities for contamination. Individuals can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses by promoting proper hygiene, sanitation, and food handling practices.

Food Safety Challenges & Emerging Issues:
As we journey through the complexities of our food system, let’s uncover three key hurdles that demand our attention and action.
1. Globalization of Food Supply Chains:
The globalisation of food has increased the complexity of food safety management. Picture this: your favourite snack may have ingredients sourced from across the globe! With food travelling far and wide, ensuring its safety becomes trickier than ever. This presents challenges in guaranteeing food’s identifiability, clarity, and liability.
2. Food Fraud and Authenticity:
Food fraud occurs when people cheat in the food business to make money, swapping one type of fish for another, watering down products, or putting the wrong labels on food. This can harm people’s health and make it hard to trust what we buy. To stop this, special tests are used to check where food comes from, what kind of food it is, and how it is made. These tests help ensure that our food is what it says, keeping us safe and protecting honest companies.
3. Emerging Foodborne Pathogens:
Emerging pathogens and the increasing issue of antimicrobial resistance present a continuous challenge. It’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive in identifying and combating these threats. Developing and implementing swift detection techniques and robust control strategies are key to staying one step ahead. Exploring food safety is an ongoing process, and through collective effort, knowledge exchange, and decisive action, we can navigate these challenges successfully, paving the way for a future that’s secure and enjoyable for everyone.
Safeguarding Food Safety: A Global Regulatory Framework
Regulations serve as the basis for consumer protection in the realm of food safety. As we navigate the complexities of our global food system, it’s essential to understand the regulatory frameworks that ensure the safety and integrity of the food we consume.
1. National Regulations:
Every nation has its own set of laws and regulations governing food safety, enforced by regulatory agencies. By upholding these regulations, governments safeguard public health and consumer trust in the food supply.
2. International Standards:
International organisations like the Codex Alimentarius Commission have established global standards, facilitating harmonisation and trade. These frameworks ensure that food safety is not compromised across borders and that consumers can trust the food they consume, irrespective of its origin.
3. Collaborative Efforts:
Food safety is a collaborative endeavour that requires the commitment of governments, industries, consumers, and international bodies. By implementing rigorous standards, fostering awareness, and investing in research and innovation, we can ensure that food remains safe and wholesome for all.
As we reflect on the regulatory framework for food safety, it’s evident that collaboration and adherence to rigorous standards are paramount. By working together across borders and sectors, we can build a safer, more resilient food system that instils consumer confidence worldwide. Let’s prioritise food safety as a global priority, ensuring everyone has access to safe and wholesome food
Inside Your Kitchen: A Closer Look at Food Safety
Welcome to your kitchen, the heart of your home! But did you know it’s also a hub for potential food safety hazards? Let’s peek into the everyday activities that may unknowingly put you at risk.
1. Multipurpose Spaces:
Your kitchen isn’t just for cooking; it’s a multitasking space! From storing groceries to pet care and even minor DIY projects. But did you know that items like purses from public places and household clutter can introduce harmful pathogens?
2. Sink Shenanigans:
The kitchen sink: a jack-of-all-trades! It’s not just for dishes; it’s a hub for handwashing, produce cleaning, and more. But beware: mixing raw meat juices with clean dishes or using it for multiple purposes can spell trouble.
3. Fridge Follies:
Your fridge is a sanctuary for fresh foods! But watch out for cross-contamination: raw veggies mingling with dripping meat or unwashed produce cosying up to ready-to-eat meals. Such mixing can invite pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli to stir up illnesses.
Your kitchen may be a bustling activity space, but it is also a potential breeding ground for foodborne illnesses. You can ensure your culinary adventures remain safe and delicious by remembering hygiene practices, proper storage, and avoiding cross-contamination!
Due Diligence
As a consumer, it’s important to understand the due diligence process in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of the products we consume. Due diligence refers to businesses’ steps to comply with legal standards and protect consumers from foodborne illnesses. This includes verifying suppliers, maintaining a clean and compliant environment, preventing cross-contamination, and keeping detailed records of food safety practices.
For instance, when I buy packaged meat, I expect the company to have verified that the farm follows humane and safe practices. If I purchase gluten-free products, I trust that the manufacturer has thoroughly tested and prevented cross-contamination with gluten-containing ingredients. As a consumer, I rely on these measures to make informed choices and protect my health.
Moreover, due diligence becomes even more personal with the rise of food-related issues like allergies and dietary restrictions. It’s not just about legal compliance; it’s about ensuring that my food won’t cause harm due to negligence or oversight. Whether checking for the Non-GMO Project label or researching a restaurant’s food handling certifications, due diligence is critical to being a responsible and informed consumer

As we reflect on the regulatory framework for food safety, it’s evident that collaboration and adherence to rigorous standards are paramount. By working together across borders and sectors, we can build a safer, more resilient food system that instils consumer confidence worldwide. Let’s prioritise food safety as a global priority, ensuring everyone has access to safe and wholesome food.

Keeping this in mind, On June 7th, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) are celebrating their sixth annual World Food Safety Day with the theme of “Food Safety-Prepare for the Unexpected”.

1 Comment

  1. anjum kausar

    Good job! The article gives great insight about the corrupted food industries as well as how as individuals it’s important to start from our own kitchen #foodsafety
    Happy food safety day
    Lastly, really surprised looking at number of deaths on daily basis due to unhygienic food!!


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