Category : MEDIA WATCH
Which films are tax-free? The movies that are socially relevant or have inspiring stories are made tax- free. Now the question arises: are people being affected by the human trafficking shown? Is it having a positive impact on people’s lives? Is it that much of a necessary story? Then what is the purpose of making it tax-free while it is an imaginary story?

After listening to several interviews and justifications, when I saw the trailer, I was heartbroken. The Kerala Story – is everywhere. It is called an imaginary story; someone accused it of exaggeration; someone called it a political trick; and there is a lot of discussion on the number 32 thousand and three girls; the same things happened when the Kashmir Files were released. It was a film that was made tax-free in many states.

Which films are tax-free? The movies that are socially relevant or have inspiring stories are made tax- free. Now the question arises: are people being affected by the human trafficking shown? Is it having a positive impact on people’s lives? Is it that much of a necessary story?

Then what is the purpose of making it tax-free while it is an imaginary story? It has been in the news for the last six months, and its impact is very important to assess.

Political Effects The most successful trick in Indian history has been to establish politics through religion. Thousands of incidents like this will be found. Before the Kashmir Files, through which also politics under the guise of religion has been glorified and is still being shown, politicians were openly supporting it so that peace and harmony could not flourish even in the hearts. If people ever want to connect, they remember the injustices that have been done to them, and they consider a particular party as the saviour of their religion because every section of the population in India is connected to cinema. This method has made it easier to fill the poison in our minds. The atmosphere in Kerala so far has been one of peace and love. Fascist powers are trying to rule, thereby separating Hindus from Muslims. It is a planned strategy for the Lok Sabha 2024 elections.
Psychological and Social Effects In this film, an attempt has been made to sympathise with both Hindus and Christians, which has had an impact not only on Hindus or Christians but also on Muslims. After this, no Hindu would want to have a Muslim friend or even face a Muslim. Muslims are facing strange hesitations. Many people are showing doubts about central universities and hostels. Arguments are causing attacks on each other. Muslim girls who wear hijabs and talk about Islam are being looked at with suspicion. And somewhere, it has settled in the minds that there is a deliberate conspiracy among the Muslims. Many politicians and actors have also taken the side of the film and said that
cruelty and injustice have nothing to do with any religion while urging people to watch this film without knowing how it affects social life. If lies are presented in politics and religion and no effort is made to stop them, there will be no peace and harmony in India.
Conclusion We have had a long history of peaceful coexistence and cooperation, as well as mutual love and amity. While bonds have been affected from time to time through divisive means such as the one discussed above, it is our responsibility as citizens to resist it at every step. Concluding with the hope that people see through the illusions and the tricks that are being carried out at every step, and engage in harmonious, productive and peaceful ways to shape a healthy society.

1 Comment

  1. safya

    A marvellous article indeed! I believe its a crucial need to speak and address such critical topics which are truly having a very significant impact on the psychology of people in regards to the secular Indian brotherhood. As imp as it is to address its equally imp for people as an indivisual to see beyond the stage set up for them with the political agendas playing on behind the screen.
    Appreciate the considerable and meaningful work!


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