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What is Freedom?

Freedom is a fundamental right for everyone to live peacefully and develop their full potential. It encompasses the basic liberty one requires to live and let live in the fullest sense, ensuring peace at home, in the streets and within institutions. However, if one’s freedom fails to honour the dignity of others and stifles their freedom to flourish, it becomes problematic. If one person enjoys more freedom at the expense of another, if human rights are appropriated and enjoyed by only those in authority, the rich or the privileged class, then there arises the need for certain rules and regulations that ensure that everyone – weak or mighty, white or black, native or immigrant, male or female, old or young, child or adult – is at a position to enjoy the freedom required to lead a peaceful life and develop their inherent skills for the benefit of themselves, their family and society at large. We call these rules moral values.

The Need for Moral Values

Some argue against the need for moral values, asking: “Why can’t I live my life as I wish? How is it affecting others? Let everyone enjoy their life as they choose. Why impose age-old rules on the new generation in this modern age?” and so on. At first glance, these arguments may seem sensible and attract those who think only about themselves and their interests. However, a deeper analysis reveals that no one can lead a fully independent life without affecting others. Our actions invariably affect the lives of others and our own. For example, a person who starts using drugs thinking it is ‘my freedom, my choice’ eventually becomes addicted and gets enslaved to drug use. He surrenders his freedom here and also impacts the lives of those around him. It affects his mental and physical health, leading to dissatisfaction and a lack of productivity. He may end up committing crimes, harming others or putting an end to his own life.

If a husband engages in extramarital sexual relationships, he automatically denies his wife’s rights and vice versa. Even something as simple as the air we exhale impacts our environment. Therefore, living harmoniously and peacefully requires following certain rules. Liberal ideologies can lead individuals to be selfish and proud, which may lead to societal inequality.

A simple analogy can help illustrate this point. Consider playing a game like football. The game can only be played properly if it has certain rules: boundaries must be fixed, the number of players must be even, and each player’s position must be proper. If anyone plays without adhering to the rules, it’s not a fair game, and the player loses his freedom to play and win. Similarly, kites flown high require control through the thread attached to them. If a kite breaks free from the thread, it loses balance and may get stuck or fall. If this is the case with simple games in life, don’t you think rules are required for the life of a human being?
Suppose you have a small baby at home. If the baby crawls towards a fireplace and tries to touch the fire, no responsible parent would allow it, saying it is the baby’s liberty. Instead, they would rush to hold the hand of the baby and stop it from getting burned. Every vehicle on the road, every ship in the ocean and every aeroplane in the sky must coordinate to avoid collisions and reach their destinations safely. If one driver disregards traffic rules and signals, it disrupts the free movement of all other vehicles.
It is evident that anything that doesn’t follow a particular code of law or system would be in chaos and appear disordered. The entire universe operates on a regulatory system. The sky and the oceans have their own systems, which become disrupted when humans interfere. That is why the Qur’an said:

ظَهَرَ ٱلْفَسَادُ فِى ٱلْبَرِّ وَٱلْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِى ٱلنَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُم بَعْضَ ٱلَّذِى عَمِلُوا۟ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ

“Corruption does appear on land and sea because of (the evil) which men’s hands have done, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return.” (Qur’an 30:41) Some argue that birds and animals live without rules, so why shouldn’t we? Why can’t we also enjoy our lives as we wish? This argument is flawed for two reasons. First, animals and birds have their natural systems and laws that govern their lives, and these are disrupted only when humans interfere. Second, humans have the wisdom to differentiate between right and wrong, thus being more responsible for choosing our way of life.
Life becomes chaotic and miserable for all without rules & a control system. This is true not only for individuals but also for societies and nations. If moral values do not regulate societies and governments, there is a high chance they will be controlled by outside forces, curtailing the people’s freedom entirely. As Aristotle stated in ‘Politics,’ “We must not believe the many who say freedom is the ability to do whatever one desires, for this is the freedom of the passions, not the freedom of the virtues.” True freedom involves moral discipline, much like how a compound wall protects valuable property without being considered a restriction. Moral discipline is required to achieve liberation from impulsive behaviours, emotional turmoil, addiction, external manipulation, and misuse of freedom.

The Negative Impact of the Decline of Moral Values

Atrocities, rapes, and abuses against women are increasing, especially in places that are often perceived as progressive such as media and cinema. In the pretext of being social, what they do are antisocial activities. The unlimited open space in social media for uncontrolled male-female engagements has resulted in more breakups, suicides, and missing cases of not only girls and women but also men and boys. Law enforcement agencies, family elders, school teachers, and community leaders are becoming inactive.

The impact of these issues is pervasive, influencing even families that prioritise moral values. This is no longer confined to distant Western countries or metro cities; it has reached the remotest villages and families, affecting our bedrooms and educational institutions. Numerous families are falling apart, divorce rates are increasing, and substance abuse and harassment are common.

In their pursuit of looking trendy and accepted in the corporate world, the youth are sacrificing their interests, not realising that false standards of style and new modes of relationships are snatching away their basic freedom to think critically and make their own decisions. The question remains: has modern civilisation, with its continuous adjustments of moral values, truly taken the route to human welfare and actual liberation? The consequences appear more regressive than progressive.

Creating awareness against this is crucial to saving men, women, girls, and boys from the chains of sugar-coated liberation traps and showing them the path to real freedom. We need to warn everyone that history proves that a society that neglects moral values, particularly sexual morality, is bound to perish and lose its freedom to flourish and progress. This is not just a private or individual matter; it impacts the survival and well-being of the entire society.

Who Should Frame the Rules?

If we agree that moral values are necessary to make our lives fruitful on the earth, the next question is: who should frame these rules? Morality differs across cultures. What is acceptable to one culture may seem completely inappropriate to another. For example, the definition of modest dress differs significantly between cultures. What is acceptable in a capitalist society may not be sufficient in a communist one. This implies that following man-made rules can lead to confusion when determining what is best.

It is a proven fact that whenever humans make rules, they tend to favour the interests of those who create them, influenced by personal biases and prejudices. These rules often fail to be 100% acceptable, useful, or practical for everyone. For instance, if a group of white people make laws, they may favour the interests of the whites; if men make rules, they may overlook the needs of women; if women frame regulations, they might be biased against men. Similarly, rules created by any ethnic community or religious group may not consider the larger interest of the entire society. If children or the youth make rules, they might not think about the needs of the elderly, and the same can happen if the elderly make them. It is like buying a gadget: if you buy an iPhone but follow the working manual of a Samsung device, it won’t work properly. The company that made the gadget should prepare the manual, and if you want the device to function properly and get the warranty as promised, you must study and follow that manual.

One of the main reasons why the moral codes set by human beings change repeatedly is when a group finds certain rules restricting their perspective of freedom and enjoyment. This constant change proves the contradicting nature of man-made rules and their bubbles of freedom. That is why, if the rules and regulations are useful and in favour of everyone’s needs and ensure the basic and required freedom and liberty of every individual, they must come from the Creator who created everyone—regardless of gender, race, or background.

Impact of Manmade Ideologies and Isms

The influence of manmade ideologies, especially the capitalist ideology, which values everything in terms of profit and loss, has led many to believe that life is short and should be enjoyed to the fullest. This mindset has shredded the moral framework of society. The materialisation of love and marriage has narrowed our understanding of life. Media such as movies, reels, and videos often objectify women and normalise alcohol consumption, portraying alcoholism as both an escape from distress and a means of celebration.

As Ali Shariati wrote in his book “Man and Islam,” “The first victim of capitalism is morality. It will destroy all moral values and principles.” This ideology has created a society of human beings seeking only pleasure, regardless of the consequences.

Effects on Personal and Social Life

The notion that anything or anyone hindering one’s enjoyment should be removed has been instilled in people’s minds through the materialistic worldview of capitalism. Ironically, when large movements advocate against animal killing, the issue of increasing infanticide rates, which create demographic imbalances, goes largely unaddressed. Abortion has become a multi-million-dollar market in the corporate world fuelled by the notion that children are a hindrance to careers. It is assumed that giving birth and breastfeeding leads to a loss of beauty as per the standards set by the business world. There is also the unwelcoming attitude towards girl children.

Media’s Role in Normalizing Immorality

The media has normalised the use of pornographic literature and videos, and movies are crossing boundaries in advocating these evils. There is an attempt to create public opinion in favour of such personal and collective choices under the guise of individual liberty.

Commercialisation of Sex and Physical Beauty

The commercialisation of sex and physical beauty has tormented society, with women and girls being the most affected. Shyness is now considered a negative emotion, and people have no hesitation to engage in immoral acts, including sexual acts outside marriage and in public. Homosexuality, lesbianism, and live-in relationships are easily chosen by the youth, claiming no liability or responsibility between partners. They compare fulfilling sexual needs to simply having a cup of coffee from a coffee shop, arguing, “Why buy an entire coffee shop just to drink a cup of coffee?”. They fail to understand that human relationships and companionships are not commodities to be bought and sold.

Consequences of a Morally Degenerated Society

This “use and throw” culture pushes individuals into loneliness and depression. The worst kind of slaves are those who
argue they live life as they wish, free from all clutches, be it religion or family. However, their lives often reveal that they have become worse than slaves by following their instincts with no control over their bodies. Extreme liberals are slaves to their whims and fancies. The Qur’an talks about their pathetic condition:

“Did you ever consider the case of him who took his desire as his god, and then Allah caused him to go astray despite knowledge, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and cast a veil over his sight? Who, after Allah, can direct him to the Right Way? Will you not take heed?” (Qur’an 45:23)

Social Implications of Immorality

Relationships outside marriage with no liabilities last until physical attraction or material benefits remain. Courts sometimes rule in favour of such immoral acts under the pretext of individual freedom, overlooking how these judgments affect the liberty and rights of others. No human being is just an individual; he is part of humanity and an ecosystem. The greatest sufferers in this social atmosphere are the aged and children. No childcare centre can provide the affection and care given by legally married parents. The same applies to old age homes that can never substitute familial support.

While the live-in relationship is considered an expression of social freedom, in reality, it causes more trouble than the illusion of liberation it offers. There is a lack of commitment in this association. Although many view this as an advantage, in the long run, the negative outcome overshadows it all. Women often end up suffering more, both biologically and socially. The same is the case with same-gender marriage. When governments legalise such relationships, they are considered as a leap towards freedom. In reality, it upsets the natural inclination of human beings, creating more stress and curtails to maintain the relationship rather than giving a sense of satisfaction. Moreover, such relationships are always shadowed by guilty feelings and physical problems. They lead to conflicts, loss of self-respect, loneliness, depression and anxiety after some time.

Need for Action

Immorality and its associated evils are spreading like wildfire, affecting every aspect of human life, particularly family life. The unbridled freedom in sexual acts, justified under the banners of equality and liberty, is harming women more than men. While slogans like “My body, my choice” sound progressive, in reality, they have created chaos and significantly disrupted individual lives and societal ethos. This compels us to think and act on controlling the rapid spread of these evils.


  1. Asma Imtiyaz

    A lot of information in reference to the campaign I got Alhamdolillah…..

    A NJ umber of pictures of society described in the article

  2. Humera

    Morality is freedom this article justified the topic great 👍

    • Shafaque Naz Tanweer

      Mashallah, very informative and knowledgeable article.Jazakallah khairan kaseerah

    • Fatima

      A deep insight on the topic “Morality is freedom” Alhamdulillah

  3. Aysha

    very beautifully explains the theme morality is freedom with easy and eye-opening examples


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