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The emerging phenomenon of social media show-off culture reflects the profound changes in how humans interact and share information in this digital age. This phenomenon refers to the tendency of individuals to selectively and often excessively display the best aspects of their lives on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. As a result of increased technological accessibility and internet connectivity, social media has become a virtual stage where people can build their self-image, prestige, and popularity.

Showing off on social media often involves uploading photos, videos, and stories featuring achievements, glamorous lifestyles, luxurious trips, or precious moments, collectively creating the illusion of a perfect and flawless life. People tend to favour content that shows the positive side of their lives, ignoring the less glamorous aspects or even the hardships. It may be due to the drive to gain social approval, seek validation, or even build a personal brand.

In the digital age, social media has become integral to our daily lives, transforming how we communicate, share information, and perceive the world. While it offers numerous benefits, such as connecting people across the globe and democratising information dissemination, it also poses significant ethical challenges. Understanding and adhering to moral ethics in social media is essential to fostering a respectful, truthful, and responsible online environment.

These principles guide ethical use and development of social media platforms, aiming ethical use & development, aiming to create a safe, fair, and positive online environment.

Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the emergence of a show-off culture on social media is fundamental. In an era where the digital world increasingly characterises communication and interaction, awareness of this behaviour’s psychological and social impact is the first step in overcoming the challenges and fostering mental health and more meaningful human relationships in and out of cyberspace.

From an Islamic perspective, dealing with excessive showing-off draws on moral and ethical principles governed by religious teachings. Islam encourages its adherents to live humbly and avoid excessive self-exhibition. Showing off to seek praise and recognition from people is considered a behaviour that goes against the spiritual values of Islam. In his traditions, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) emphasised the importance of doing good and giving alms secretly without indulging in such acts to gain public recognition. The concept of “Riya”, or showing off in Islam, is considered an act that can damage one’s sincere intentions and relationship with Allah SWT. As a clear example, in the Hadith narrated by Bukhari & Muslim, The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “Three things will not return to a person after he dies: recurring charity, useful knowledge, and the prayer of a righteous child for him.” This Hadith shows the importance of actions that provide long-term benefits and help others, such as charity practised without the need to show off or brag about it.

Constant showing off can also trigger envy and Hasad (jealousy) in others. When a person constantly flaunts their achievements and wealth, this can trigger feelings of dislike and envy from others, ultimately damaging social relations and disrupting peace among fellow human beings.

The consequences of pride in Islam are severe, as they can damage an individual’s relationship with Allah SWT and disrupt the spiritual balance. Allah SWT rejects the attitude of pride in several verses of the Quran and explains that pride is a characteristic of Iblis (Satan) that got him expelled from Paradise. Among these verses are Allah’s words in Surah Al-A’raf, verse 13: “And (We commanded) Adam and his wife, “He (Allah) said, “Come down from it (Paradise), for you should not boast in it. Come out, for you are of the lowliest of creatures.”

Hence, in Islam, individuals must avoid arrogance and excessive showing off. Instead, Islam encourages people to live humbly, recognise Allah’s blessings without showing them off excessively, and appreciate the equality and brotherhood between people. By avoiding pride and living humbly, individuals can strengthen their spiritual connection with Allah SWT, create peace within themselves, and maintain harmony in their social relationships.

Maintaining privacy and sincerity

Maintaining privacy and sincerity in sharing on social media reflects an awareness of our online actions’ enormous impact on real-life and personal relationships. In an era where personal information is easily accessible to others, maintaining privacy boundaries is crucial to protecting ourselves and those close to us from potential risks and misuse. Sharing information that is too personal, such as location, travel plans, or details of daily life, without careful consideration can open up opportunities for irresponsible individuals to use it negatively, such as home burglaries or privacy violations.

Therefore, before sharing information or actions on social media, it is essential to think wisely about the impact on oneself and have sincere intentions. Maintaining privacy is not only about protecting ourselves but also about respecting and protecting relationships with those around us. Moreover, sincerity in sharing is a way to strengthen moral and ethical values in our lives and ensure that every action we take is based on sincere intentions and a higher purpose.

The Qur’an explicitly reminds us that all human deeds will be judged based on intention. In Surah Al-Kahf, verse 29, Allah SWT says: “Say (Prophet Muhammad), “The truth comes from your Lord. So, whoever wishes (to believe), let him believe, and whoever wishes (to disbelieve), let him disbelieve.” Verily, We have prepared a hell for the wrongdoers whose turmoil surrounds them. If they ask for help (by asking for a drink), they will be given water like boiling iron that scorches the face. That is the worst of drinks and the ugliest of resting places.” This verse shows that sincere good deeds will be valued more highly, even in limited quantities, than deeds that are many but not carried out with good intentions.

By basing our actions on sincerity, we can generate a profound and sustainable positive impact and gain greater rewards and blessings in the sight of Allah SWT.

Qur’anic Verse:

Surah Al-Mulk: 2 “He is the One Who created death and life to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving.”

Surah Al-Baqarah: 267 “O believers! Donate from the best of what you have earned and from what We have produced for you from the earth. Do not pick out worthless things for donation, which you would only accept with closed eyes. And know that Allah is Self-sufficient and praiseworthy.”

Prophetic Hadith:

Abu Hurairah reported that The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah SWT does not look at your bodies and wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.” (narrated by Muslim)

Aisha RA reported that The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Whoever does not attach importance to the affairs of his Hereafter, Allah SWT will make his narrowness between his eyes and will scatter his worldly affairs. And he will not get more than what has been destined for him.” (narrated by At-Tirmidi)


Examining the intention behind sharing on social media underscores the core value of sincerity in Islam. Before sharing any content, information, or action online, Islam encourages individuals to reflect on and examine the intention underlying the action. A sincere and sincere purpose is a crucial element that will guide individuals in leading a digital life with good ethics.

The approach of the Qur’an and Prophetic Hadith in teaching the importance of beneficial and positive actions affirms the moral and ethical values that encourage individuals to contribute to building a better society. The Qur’an and Prophetic guidance emphasise the importance of taking steps that provide tangible benefits to oneself, fellow human beings, and the environment.

The Quran explicitly emphasises the importance of beneficial and positive charity. Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 195: “Spend in the cause of Allah and do not let your own hands throw you into destruction by withholding. And do good, for Allah certainly loves the good-doers.” This verse implies that good deeds and positive actions earn the pleasure of Allah SWT and that doing good is a way to get closer to Him.

The Ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also provides practical guidance on the importance of doing good. He said, “Verily, Allah SWT loves a person who, when he does work, does it well” (narrated by Bukhari). This message underscores that the quality and value of every action have a significant influence, and activities done with kindness and thoroughness will gain acceptance from Allah SWT.

Thus, the Qur’an and The Prophetic Hadith provide clear guidance on the importance of beneficial and positive actions in the lives of individuals and communities. By performing activities that bring benefit and goodness, individuals realise the Islamic vision of a just, harmonious, and productive society and draw closer to Allah SWT through deeds that are pleasing to Him.

Reflections on the rise of social media show-off culture and its impact invite us to critically consider the implications of this behaviour on ourselves, our social relationships, and our values. The phenomenon of show-off culture, where individuals often showcase the positive and glamorous sides of their lives on social media, needs to be carefully considered. While social media can be a positive platform for sharing precious moments, successes, and achievements, too much focus on exhibition and branding can have negative impacts.

Furthermore, a showing-off culture can damage social relationships and hinder authentic engagement in meaningful activities. Focusing on what is substantial, providing genuine value to others, and living real life with presence are essential steps to offset the impact of a show-off culture and nurture mental health and more meaningful social relationships.

Viewing social media sharing from an Islamic perspective leads to recognising deeper personal values, sincerity in intention, and responsibility for the resulting impact. Islam, as a religion that bases every action on ethical and moral values teaches that sharing, online and in the real world, should be viewed as an opportunity to express the noble values espoused.

In addition, reflecting on the intention behind every act of sharing emphasises the importance of sincerity in every online interaction. Islam teaches that Allah SWT sees the purpose in every deed, and actions carried out solely to seek His pleasure will be well rewarded. Therefore, before clicking the “share” button, individuals are reminded to reflect on whether the intention behind the action is to inspire, benefit, or gain praise.

By considering the impact and intention behind every act of sharing on social media, we contribute to creating a more positive and beneficial digital environment. We play a role in spreading the correct information, inspiring good values, and guarding our online actions against unfavourable motives, such as royalty or pride. By doing so, we can transform social media into a platform that encourages moral, intellectual, and spiritual growth and plays a role in building a more harmonious & meaningful virtual society.


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