Imagine a 9-year-old child having to wake up at 3 in the morning, wailing in distress over her...
Suppressing free speech, the curious case of Principal Parveen Sheikh
TestimonialSheikh’s long-time support staff bid her an emotional farewell.Parveen Sheikh, the...
Book Review
John Holt’s “How Children Learn” is a groundbreaking exploration into the intricacies of childhood...
Celebrating Constitutionality in Schools
In the previous issue, we featured one example of a school instilling and celebrating...
Creativity Abounds: Imaginative Science on Display
The Scholar School organised a School Exhibition on Saturday, February 3, 2024. The school campus...
Emotional Intelligence in the School System
Dr.S.Reshma (Principal, British Curriculum School, Sharjah, UAE; andGroup Director – Quality...
Creating a ‘literate’ society
Aleena Abdul Nasar, a student of Al Jamia Al Islamiya, Santhapuram, explores what genuine...
How To Develop Children’s All-Around Mental
We can see intelligence in our children when they start to balance their left and right brains. A...
Education & Loss of Values: Ideals & Reality
Freedom to think and do, has been the biggest casualty of our education system today. Ideally...
Of Equality: Uniforms & the Sphere of the Classroom
Education Makes the Difference: Lessons from Dr Ambedkar’s Life
Educate is the first word of his famous slogan “educate, agitate and organize”. The reason is is...
Maulana Yusuf Islahi: A Student Remembers
There exist the voices of the caravan left but what's missing is the head, Every flower is in...