Category : Uncategorized

Everything I thought was mine,
It was never mine…

The parents who once caressed me
The siblings who comforted me
The friends who believed in me
The home that once nested me.

All that I owned once,
Will be owned by another.

The hand that once held mine,
Will be taken over by another.

The little mouths I fed, the little bodies I clothed,
Dependent on me then, independent now
Will no longer stay…

The fine clothes that I once wore.
All things sparkly and new,
Adorn another.

I see now
That I do not own
But I am owned by someone else.

The Most Supreme, The Most High.
The True Owner, the True Master.

The ONE who will not leave you hanging.
The ONE who was always by your side,
Without you ever knowing

Decide now what matters most,
To what my energy and time are devoted towards.
Though I am dispensable in this world to all,
I pray that I am indispensable to the Lord Most High in the next.



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