Category : Tech
Author : Yasmeen Begum

As humans have been making efforts to progress, they have made many new beginnings, many of which were successful and blooming for all sectors of society and a few that were a bane for the human race.

Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf were American computer scientists who developed TCP/IP, the protocols governing how data moves through a network. This helped the ARPANET evolve into the Internet we use today. Vint Cerf is credited with using the word ‘internet’. Three of the Internet’s “Founding Fathers,” Steve Crocker, Bob Kahn, and Vint Cerf, have changed our lives and impacted our society.

The Internet, a transformative force, is a platform for all. It has revolutionised business and public services, empowering more people to shape their lives by seizing wide-open opportunities. As a universally accessible platform, the Internet has elevated the quality of life for many. It is a tool for education, shopping, research and development, business and promotions, communication, digital transactions, money management, tours and travel, and more.

From discoveries that have revolutionised our lives, women have always played a crucial and often underappreciated role in the world of technology.

Ada Lovelace is credited with being one of the first female computer programmers and mathematicians. She created the first computer algorithm and predicted that computers would be capable of much more than just math.

Charles Babbage outlined his Analytical Engine in 1837, but Lovelace provided an in-depth review of it, highlighting both the technology and the machine’s broader ramifications. Her notes were finally republished in 1953, but sadly, her contribution to creating the internet would not be appreciated for decades.
Also, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC, was developed at the University of Pennsylvania in 1945 as a ballistics calculator. Its functions were carried out by a team of six female programmers standing inside the machine.

Betty Snyder and Betty Jean Jennings, partners-in-code, completed a public demonstration of a ballistics trajectory, showcasing the power of collaboration in technological innovation

Radia Perlman earned her the nickname “Mother of the Internet.” She is credited with transforming the internet into the massive system it is today, linking devices worldwide and storing data in an abstract Cloud.

It’s difficult to predict exactly what the future internet will look like because new technology is evolving so fast — but there is no doubt that the latest iteration of the web will transform virtually every part of our economy and society.

In the future, internet digital (online) activities will merge with virtual and physical worlds to create realistic, immersive experiences. Brands, schools, employers, and individuals will all operate virtual worlds where people can gather to learn, game, work, or socialise.

A set of technologies such as extended reality, artificial intelligence and blockchain will characterise it.

While technological advancements come with many advantages, one of them is keeping us connected with the world at all times of the day, the internet has several disadvantages. The demerits of the internet can impact individuals negatively. Excessive screen time and its adverse effects on physical health can lead to problems like eye strain and sedentary lifestyles. Cyberbullying and online harassment are also significant drawbacks, affecting one’s mental health and well-being. Other disadvantages of the internet are social isolation, spreading of fake information, impact on attention span, lack of sleep, the rise of depression cases, and so on.

While the internet has become an integral part of our lives, managing our use is important to avoid stress and negative impacts. Some practical tips to achieve this include pursuing a different hobby, taking regular breaks and getting a digital detox, setting clear time limits for web browsing, being mindful of the activities that keep you active and happy, and making many more positive moves to better your life in this fast-paced internet world.

1 Comment


    Thanks for such an interesting and creative article. keep writing such articles


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