Category : Uncategorized

Oh! The people of Palestine
We will not forget your valiant signs
Towards the oppression and the crimes
We deeply acknowledge,
Your bravery and courage.

Oh! The people of Palestine
You shine with your heart so true
We see your loss and your struggles, too
And everything that you went through.

Oh! The people of Palestine
Who neither falter nor sleep
In the land that belongs to you
May you find eternal peace
May every dawn of a new hope
Bring light and freedom back to you.

And as for the ignorant
For all those who remain silent
Do you not see the babies being beheaded?
And yet you are unaffected
Do you not see the mothers weep?
And yet you choose to remain asleep.

It’s not too late to wake up
When there’s still time, speak up
End the sufferings, end the calamity
Together, let’s raise our voice
For the sake of humanity.


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