Once upon a time, two best friends, Afreen and Amaan, lived in a beautiful village. They were curious to know new things and loved adventures.

They were fond of each other and always were together. But one thing set them apart: Amaan enjoyed staying up late, while Afreen loved waking up early.

One day, as they played in the park, an old wise owl named Hootsberry flew down from the big Banyan tree in the middle.

Hootsberry greeted, “Good Afternoon, young adventurers! I have a magical tale for you, but it comes with a challenge. Are you ready?”

Afreen and Amaan looked at each other in excitement and nodded eagerly.

“Wonderful!” Hootsberry hooted. “Long, long ago, there was a secret to unlocking great power and wisdom in the mystical land of Noor. This secret was tied to the magic of peaceful nights and early mornings.

Amaan looked puzzled. “What is this Magic in mornings and nights? How can one unlock the great power?”Afreen pleaded with Hootsberry to reveal the secret.

Hootsberry flapped his wings and continued, “In the city of Noor, there was a magical garden that only appeared in the early morning at sunrise. Colourful flowers in this garden would bloom with sparkling dewdrops, and each drop contained a bit of wisdom and great power. To see it, one had to wake up as it dawned, that is, before sunrise.”

Afreen’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “So, if we wake up early, can we see this magical garden and the colourful flowers blooming?” she asked Hootsberry.

“Yes, my dear!” Hootsberry nodded his head. “But there’s more to know.

To enter the garden, you must be well-rested. This means you also have to go to bed early.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us the importance of rest and rising early. He said, ‘The early morning has been blessed for my Ummah.’ When you wake up early, you start your day with blessings.”

Amaan scratched his head, thinking hard. “But I love playing video games at night. Why should I go to bed early?”It would be impossible for me to go to bed early and wake up before sunrise.

Afreen insisted.”Amaan! Don’t you want to see the colourful flowers blooming in that magical garden? Can’t you wake up early? “

Don’t you remember our teacher Ayesha saying; Early to bed and early to rise is the secret of one’s success, and it’s one of the basic teachings of Islam?”

Hootsberry smiled kindly. “Think of it like this, Amaan.

Just like a phone needs charging, your body and mind need rest at night. With enough sleep, you will have the energy to enjoy your day and your adventures. Getting up early gives you a head start on the day. You can pray Fajr, see the sunrise, lovely birds chirping, colourful flowers blooming, and enjoy the quiet moments of the morning.”

Afreen nodded enthusiastically. “And you know, Amaan, we can explore the magical garden together! Imagine the fun and adventures we could have!”

Amaan’s eyes lit up. “Alright, I’ll give it a try. I’ll go to bed early tonight, and tomorrow, I’ll try to wake up before sunrise. But if I don’t see the garden and its magic, you owe me an ice cream, Afreen!”

Afreen laughed and said, “Deal!”

That night, Amaan turned off his video games and went to bed early, thinking about the next day’s adventure. Afreen whispered her prayers and slept, feeling excited for the morning.

As the first ray of dawn touched the village, Afreen and Amaan woke up and rushed to the park. To their amazement, the enchanted Banyan tree glowed with soft light, and the ground beneath it shimmered with tiny, magical flowers covered in dewdrops.
Hootsberry appeared.

“Welcome to the Garden of Noor, my young friends.”

Amaan’s jaw dropped. “It’s so amazing! The garden is real!”I can’t believe it!!” He said.

Afreen grinned. “See, I told you! And look, Amaan, each dewdrop is like a tiny pearl of wisdom.” With it comes great power, which we can use to help the needy and poor and fly to destinations. It’s awesome.”

They spent the morning exploring the magical garden, collecting dewdrops of wisdom and power and learning about the importance of good habits and early mornings.

They thanked Hootsberry.

From that day on, Afreen and Amaan embraced the magic of early mornings and peaceful nights. They discovered that waking up early brought them closer to nature’s wonders and filled their days with energy, blessings, and adventure. They once again remembered the teaching of the prophet Mohammad p.b.u.h.

From that day, Amaan and Afreen always attended their Fajr prayer and were always on time for school.

All the teachers and their neighbours appreciated them for their punctuality and discipline.

So, in their village, the two best friends learned the secret of the magical garden, teaching all the children around them that the real magic and success lie in the simple habit of waking up early and going to bed on time.


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