Author : Ayesha Syed

“Minimalism is not about having less. It’s about making room for more of what matters.”


We are living in a time of consumerism at its peak. From Social Media to advertisements and from shopkeepers to influencers, everyone is pushing the narrative that you constantly need something in your life. The idea that you cannot be happy or complete without having the latest version of something is more damaging than many realise.

Clutter and having an excess of everything have more negative consequences than we might have thought before. We are at a point where, as soon as a thought pops into our minds and we do a simple search for it, we get bombarded with advertisements for the product for the next few days. Searching for a ‘need’ often becomes a cart full of ‘wants’.

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism is a lifestyle approach that emphasises the importance of living a life full of intention and purpose. Instead of filling our lives with things that don’t make a visible difference, minimalism promotes decluttering. Clearing our physical space greatly impacts our mental and physical health.

Minimalism is not about depriving ourselves of the joys and luxuries of life. Rather, it is about living a more focused and purposeful life. A minimalist approach allows us to enjoy the things that truly bring joy to our lives.

Different forms of Minimalism and how it affects our daily life

Minimalism can positively impact various aspects of our lives. Often, procrastination, anxiety, and lack of motivation are the results of a cluttered environment.

  • Minimalism and Mental Health

Minimalism helps create an environment that promotes focus, clarity, and emotional well-being. By getting rid of mental and physical clutter, we allow ourselves to live a stress-free, balanced and peaceful life.

Having a clean, visually appealing, and serene space enables us to lead a life free of stress and anxiety. Decluttered spaces are calming to the mind, as we can focus on things that matter instead of wasting energy on distractions. Minimalism promotes being in the present. When we are stuck in a loop of constantly buying and cluttering our spaces with things that don’t matter, we lose the ability to enjoy the present. The ‘now’ is an essential part of our entire ecosystem. When we lose it, we lose time, memories, and moments. Decluttering allows us to be present and enjoy moments as and when they come. It is a part of the system that heals us.

  • Sustainable living through minimalism

Fast fashion, consumerism, and capitalism constantly push one product after another. While purchasing these products is not inherently wrong, we must consider the bigger picture. Gone are the days when people would go to the repair shops or fix things themselves instead of discarding items the moment they started glitching. Fast fashion encourages consumers to purchase and throw clothes at any moment. This mindset has moved beyond the fashion industry and has reached other sectors, making it a norm in the market. These unnecessary purchases are causing extreme harm to the environment.

Minimalism promotes conscious buying, reusing, recycling, and upcycling. It focuses on sustainable living. By buying things only when we need them and being mindful of where our products are coming from and how much they affect the environment, we can take steps towards a more sustainable life.

  • Minimalism in Tech

The constant barrage of notifications, emails, and social media updates leads to a constant state of mental fatigue and distraction. We all have unused apps, unorganised files and folders, and thousands of photos in our gallery. All of these things add to the stress and anxiety in our lives.

Digital Minimalism allows us to regain control of our lives by decluttering the very devices that we are engaged with day in and day out. It offers a refreshing approach to managing our digital lives. Decluttering devices by uninstalling unused apps, organising files and emails, and setting boundaries around screen times are some ways to regain control and focus on things that matter.

  • Financial Minimalism

At its core, financial minimalism is about cutting down on unnecessary purchases and prioritising needs over wants. Besides finding joy in simplicity, financial minimalism helps attain monetary freedom. When we stop spending on things that are usually impulsive buys, we can easily save and focus on long-term economic health.
This could be achieved by consciously creating a monthly budget and strictly sticking to it, making deliberate purchase choices, and intently tracking the spending.

Practical steps to embrace Minimalism

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle involves making a series of conscious changes. These changes aim at reducing stress and allow you to focus on what truly matters. Here are some ways to help you declutter your life for the better.


  • Declutter your physical space There are multiple ways to start the process of cleaning out your physical space. We often fall prey to the surge of motivation when it feels like climbing a mountain is the easiest task in the world. Avoid giving in to the impulse and refrain from thinking that you will be able to declutter the whole house in one day.
    Follow the room-by-room approach and tackle one space at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Generally, what holds us back is our indecision to let go of things we are extremely attached to. Start with less emotionally charged rooms, like the bathrooms and kitchen, and then gradually move forward.
    You can also follow the KonMari Method by asking yourself if each item ‘sparks joy’. If it does not, then it is time for it to go. You can also ask yourself and check if you have used a particular item in the last two years; if you have not, chances are you never will.


  • Maintain your minimalist lifestyle To maintain your minimalist lifestyle, organise regular decluttering sessions. No matter how hard we try, we sometimes derail and end up cluttering our spaces. Refrain from letting that dampen your approach to minimalism. Allow yourself grace and accept these setbacks as a part of being human. Schedule regular cleaning sessions to keep an eye on your environment.

Embracing minimalism is a transformative journey beyond simple decluttering and focusing on purposeful and conscious living. By focusing on needs over wants and quality over quantity, we can significantly reduce anxiety and stress in our lives and enhance our mental health. Minimalism encourages us to make mindful decisions, prioritise what truly matters, and foster a deeper appreciation for things we have.


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