Fill in the Blanks: Rabi’ul Thani Facts

Q1: Rabi’ul Thani is the ____ month in the Islamic calendar.

(A) Third      (B) Fourth      (C) Fifth

Q2: Rabi’ul Thani comes after the month of _____.

(A) Safar      (B) Rabi’ul Awwal      (C) Dhul-Hijjah

Q3: The Islamic calendar is based on the _____.

(A) Solar cycle      (B) Lunar cycle      (C) Seasonal changes

Quiz: Major Winter Trees in India

Q1: Which of the following is a common tree in India that stays green throughout the winter?

(A) Neem      (B) Gulmohar      (C) Banyan

Q2: The Indian Deodar tree, also known as the Himalayan Cedar, is mainly found in which region of India?

(A) Western Ghats      (B) Himalayas      (C) Thar Desert

Q3: Which type of tree loses its leaves during the winter and is famous for its fragrant flowers that bloom in spring?

(A) Peepal      (B) Teak      (C) Mango

Q4: The Eucalyptus tree is widely planted in India for its medicinal properties and timber. What characteristic is typical of its leaves in the winter season?

(A) They turn bright red      (B) They remain green      (C) They fall off completely

Q5: The Sheesham tree, a popular timber tree in India, is also called the Indian Rosewood. What happens to its leaves in winter?

(A) They turn yellow and fall      (B) They stay green      (C) They turn purple

Q6: In which part of India are coniferous trees like Pine and Fir commonly found during winter?

(A) Coastal regions      (B) Northern mountainous regions      (C) Central plains

Q7: The Bael tree is known for its hardy nature and ability to survive harsh winters. What is the main medicinal use of the Bael fruit?

(A) Cures cough      (B) Aids digestion      (C) Reduces fever

Islamic History



3. Committed the first murder, killed his brother out of jealousy

5. His son was displaced by his children, He lost his eyesight but had it cured through the shirt of his son

8. Killed Goliath and became a king, The book of Psalms was revealed to him

11. One of the uncles of The Prophet (AS), was killed by a later-to-be Sahabi

13. Was the first woman in human history

16. His people strayed to homosexuality, he met angels who told him to leave his hometown as god would punish his people

18. Was ordered by Allah to sacrifice his son in his dream

21. Was killing all boys due to a prophecy of his impending doom, raised a prophet in his home

23. Has a surah about him, uncle of Mohammad (AS), was hit on the head with a rod by Lubaabah (RA)

24. The cruel king in Prophet Ibrahim’s time

25. Father-in-law of Musa (AS)

26. Lost in a casting of lots and was swallowed by a whale, his people accepted the message

27. One of the Caliphs, Married two of the Prophet (AS) daughters

28. Built The Holy Ka’aba with his father

30. Is one of the people given the glad tiding of Paradise in life by the Prophet (AS), was bitten by a snake and dropped a tear on the Prophet (AS)’s face

31. Brought pairs of every creature on the ark

32. Will kill the swine, break the cross and abolish poll tax

34. Was brought up by the Pharaoh’s wife, when he threw his staff it would become a snake and he split the red sea in half with Allah’s will


1. Tried to destroy the Ka’aba, but was made into a cropped stubble-like state

2. Was extremely patient

4. Brother of Ishmael (AS)

6. Made by clay, All the Angels were made to prostrate to him

7. Became the Imam for all the Prophets in the Night Journey in Al-Aqsa Mosque

9. Built the wall to block Gog and Magog

10. Was accompanied by Moses (AS) for a short while, in which he killed a boy, built a wall without payment, and sunk a hole in a boat that was not his

12. Had a son in old age when his wife was infertile

14. Was given his name by Allah

15. Drowned in the great flood, thought he could be saved by climbing a mountain

17. Was passed by the Prophet Muhammad on the fourth heaven on the Night Journey, Is said to have been the first person to write with a pen

18. His hair and beard were pulled by his brother when their people took a golden calf as their god

19. His people were strong who built towering structures, but they committed shirk

20. Brought out a giant she-camel from a mountain by Allah’s will as a sign to his people

22. Grew up in the household of the Prophet (AS), Was tasked with returning the belongings of the Meccans when the Prophet (AS) migrated to Medina

25. Son of Adam who was a Prophet,

26. Was thrown into a well by his brothers due to jealousy, became a high ranking official and cured his father’s blindness with his shirt with the will of Allah

27. Became Muslim when he had set out to kill the Prophet (AS)

29. Was killed by his brother due to jealousy

33. Had authority over the Jinn and wind


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