On July 18, the world comes alive with the unique celebration of World Listening Day. This annual event is a call to action, urging people to pause, listen, and truly appreciate the symphony of sounds that surround them. It’s a day that invites us to be more mindful of our environment and the way we listen to it. Let’s delve into the significance of this day and explore how you can actively participate.

World Listening Day owes its existence to the World Listening Project, an organization with a mission to raise awareness about the significance of sound and listening. This day was established in 2010 as a tribute to Raymond Murray Schafer, a Canadian composer and environmentalist. Schafer, a pioneer in acoustic ecology, dedicated his life to studying the relationship between humans and the natural world through sound. In the 1970s, he initiated the World Soundscape Project, a groundbreaking endeavour that underscored the importance of listening to our environment and comprehending the impact of soundscapes on our well-being.

Each year, World Listening Day takes on a new theme, offering a fresh perspective on the art of listening. This year, the theme is ‘Changing mindsets: Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all’, a call to action to address societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets. In the past, we’ve explored themes like ‘The Unquiet Earth ‘, which urged us to embrace the art of listening with undivided attention and patience. ‘Listening Across Boundaries’ encouraged us to consider listening across various branches of knowledge, cultures, and even virtually. Other themes, like ‘H2O Sounds Lost & Found’ and ‘Listen to You ‘, focused on different aspects of acoustic ecology and soundscapes, each offering a unique lens through which to view our sonic world.

We often take the sounds around us for granted. World Listening Day encourages us to actively listen and appreciate the richness and complexity of our sonic environment. By truly paying attention to the sounds around us, we can foster:

Nature Connection:

A deeper connection with the natural world and the soundscapes

Empathy and Understanding:

When we actively listen, we understand others better, build stronger relationships and create a more compassionate world.

Improving Communication:

Sharpening our listening skills enhances communication. In personal relationships or professional settings, attentive listening leads to better understanding and collaboration.


Active listening can promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

Listening is an art that connects us to the world and enriches our existence. So, on July 18, let’s celebrate the beauty of sound and become better listeners.

How can we celebrate the day?
Mindful listening: Spend time in nature. Listen to the rustling leaves, birdsong, and flowing water. Reflect on the beauty of natural sounds.
Silence: Find moments of silence. Turn off devices, close your eyes, and focus on the ambient sounds around you.
Explore Nature: Head outdoors and immerse yourself in natural sounds. Visit a park, forest, or beach. Listen to the wind, water, and wildlife. Consider recording these sounds or simply savoring them in the moment.
Learn More: Explore the field of acoustic ecology- the study of how sound interacts with the environment.


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