Author : Heba Shakeel

Imagine a forest that contains both fast & slow animals. When a predator attacks, the fast one escapes & survives, while the slow one gets caught & killed. Over time, the faster animals will continue to thrive, as they can evade predators, while the slower ones may eventually die out due to their vulnerability.

Similarly, consider an animal with thick fur and another with light fur. When the temperature drops, the thick-furred animal survives the cold, while the one with light fur perishes. Over generations, animals with thick fur will dominate, as they are better adapted to survive the harsh conditions. This process illustrates Darwin’s concept of natural selection, which leads to the “survival of the fittest”—where the strongest, fastest, or smartest survive, while the weaker ones face extinction.

Darwinism and Nazism

Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, the butcher, who caused the deaths of millions of people, is often remembered as a figure of extreme brutality. But where did his ruthless ideology originate? Was it rooted in religious texts? the the Qur’an or Sahih Al Bukhari? The answer lies elsewhere. In 2006, American historian Richard Weikart authored a book titled “From Darwin to Hitler,” arguing that Darwin’s theory of evolution heavily influenced Hitler’s ideology.

You may wonder, how could a man of science be linked to Hitler and the crimes of the Nazis? Darwin, in his view of ethics, suggests that a person who doesn’t believe in God can create their own moral laws based on what they personally feel is best. For example, If you feel that the person in front of you would be better off dead, then be it, simple. Of course, someone might argue that this is a crime. Here he tells you that ethics are subjective. What you consider a crime, others may see as a virtue. It’s all relative—everyone recognises no universal moral code. This is what the Darwinists say.

As a result of Darwin’s theory, the Nazis saw their horrific actions as great virtues rather even as a form of salvation for humanity. In Adolf Hitler’s infamous book Mein Kampf, he explicitly lays out several evolutionary ideas, such as “survival of the fittest” & the “extermination of the weakest,” to create what he believed would be a “superior society”.

“Hitler was a firm believer in evolution and a preacher of it”, as historian Heckman says. Hitler, in many ways, was a loyal follower of Darwin’s ideas. He claimed that the Aryan race, blonde-haired and blue-eyed, formed the “superior” population and that survival belonged to them alone and those deemed “inferior” were to be eliminated. As a result, the disabled – adults, children, and infants were sent into gas chambers and exterminated. Hitler’s regime was responsible for the deaths of around 20 million people in just a few years.

One of the consequences of Darwin’s theory is that it provides a framework to justify racism and brutality. It even grants colonialism a sense of moral legitimacy. The Europeans viewed themselves as an advanced race and regarded other human populations as backward and savage. According to this theory and the principle of “survival of the fittest”, the advanced races have the right to eliminate the savage races, who they see as mere “human apes” that must cease to exist.

This is not merely theoretical. Historical evidence shows that the English, during their colonisation of Australia, exterminated approximately 90% of the indigenous population & justified these atrocities using the concept of natural selection. They explicitly stated, “We implement the law of natural selection without mercy; we, who are powerful, exterminate the inferior Australian races.”

Communism, an atheistic ideology, has also been influenced by Darwinian evolution. According to Professor Rummel in his book Death by Government, the death toll from communist regimes exceeds 100 million people. The theory of evolution is the basic principle on which atheism is based. It has no idea of good or evil actions therefore, there is no room for morality in the atheist discourse. “If God does not exist, everything is permissible. ” as Dostoevsky says.

Pleasure and enjoyment are the goals of atheism. For instance, in the atheistic framework, the production and distribution of pornographic films is justified in this way: As long as these films achieve huge profits for companies, then why not continue making them? What makes these works evil? Aren’t morals subjective? Some may see them as evil, others will see them as a benefit for themselves, a money-making source.

Prohibitions on Atheism

Are there any prohibitions on atheism? For example, all religions prohibit rape. Does atheism prohibit rape? Pasquini, in his book “Atheist Personality Disorder,” suggests that pornography & other perceived moral failings originate from atheistic principles, describing atheism as a “religion of savagery.” In a study conducted at the University of California, 50% of men said they had no problem raping women if they could avoid the consequences. This is what atheism does to the moral system. It does not establish objective morals. An atheist cannot prove that genocide or rape are heinous acts on an objective basis. As Professor Lane Craig says, an atheist may indeed denounce these acts, but he is unable to prove them objectively.

Atheism is associated with nihilism (the belief that life is meaningless) and moral relativism (the idea that moral judgments are not absolute but rather depend on individual or cultural perspectives) because it is based on the theory of evolution and natural selection.


Darwinism is just a theory, not a scientific fact or a fixed universal law that can be believed or disbelieved. In scientific circles, some have refuted the theory, and some scientists even consider it to be without basis. Still, the question is: Why does the atheist insist on considering it a proven scientific fact and then defend it? Simply because it saves him from the question of creation. He is without it in a predicament that he cannot explain how the first human came to be, but in reality, he is like a drowning man who clings to a straw.

Our divine religion forbids racism and forbids pride and arrogance and establishes that all people are equal. There are no advanced races or inferior races, and no one in Islam has the right to oppress or attack another soul without justification. The noble Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) says: “You are all children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.”

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Very interesting point of view on atheism.


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