The school bell rang, and Ali ran out happily, as it was a weekend.

He had so many plans for the next day. He thought of playing with the kitten when he went home, going to his granny the next day to eat his favourite cookies, and playing with his friends Sarah and Sameer. He was excited. His teacher waved him goodbye, saying,” Ali, enjoy your holiday, but Don’t forget to complete your Homework by Monday.” Ali nodded his head and waved back.

When he reached home, he played with his kitten, ate juicy oranges, and started watching his favourite cartoon. His mother asked him, “Ali, have you finished your homework?”

Ali replied, looking at his toys, “Yes, Mamma. I did it all.”

“Great job, Ali. Now you can play outside,” his father said, entering the room.

Hurray! Now I can go and play, thought Ali. He played with his friends in the nearby park and returned home tired and late. He remembered that he hadn’t finished his homework and lied to his mother, but he thought of completing it the next day.

The next day, Ali woke up late, and soon after, he got ready and rushed to his granny’s home. All day, he enjoyed himself with his granny and friends, ate his favourite cookies, came home tired and went to bed.

The next day at school, the teacher asked, “Ali, can I see your homework, please?”
Ali: (nervously) “I… I left it at home, Miss.”

Teacher: “Oh no, Ali. That means you’ll have to stay for an extra class today as a punishment and show me the homework tomorrow”.

Ali’s friend Amina asked, “Ali, why aren’t you playing with us?”

“I told the teacher I left my homework at home but didn’t do it at all,” Ali said, sighing.

“Why didn’t you just tell her the truth?” asked another friend, Yousuf.

“I was scared she’d be mad,” said Ali.

“But now you can’t play, and you still have to do the homework during the extra class.” Said Amina.

After the extra class, Ali returned home late and sat quietly. His mother asked, “Ali, why are you sad?”

Ali started crying and said,

“I told a lie, Mama. I said I did my homework, but I didn’t. So I had to stay at school for an extra class and couldn’t play with Amina and Yousuf.

“Lying only makes things worse, Ali. It might be hard, but the truth is always better.” consoled his father.

The next day, the teacher asked, “Ali, did you bring your homework today?”

Taking a deep breath, Ali answered, “No, Mam, I need to tell you the truth. I didn’t do it because I was playing and lied to you that I forgot to bring my homework.”

“Thank you for being honest, Ali. It’s important to tell the truth. Let’s work together to finish your homework,” the teacher said.

As soon as Ali returned home, his mom prepared for him his favourite cookies and said,

“Ali, I’m proud of you for telling the truth. It might have been hard, but see how it improved things?”

“Yes, Mama. I’m sorry for lying. From now on, I’ll always tell the truth,” said Ali.

“That’s my boy. Remember, being honest shows you’re brave and trustworthy.” appreciated his father.

“I understand now. One lie leads to another, like a big, tangled mess. But the truth is simple and clear.” Ali said.

Exactly, Ali. Honesty is rewarded forever, just as our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us.”

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, “Speak the truth even when it is bitter.”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Honesty certainly leads to goodness, and goodness leads to paradise. Truly, a man keeps speaking the truth until he is inscribed as being true through and through. And lying leads to going wrong, and going wrong leads to hell. Explained his mother.

“I’ll always remember that. Thank you, Mamma and Baba,” Ali said, hugging his parents.

From that day on, Ali always told the truth, and he felt proud and happy, knowing he was doing the right thing.


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