Category : Smart Parenting
Author : Dr Saba Taj

For a long time, video games have been very popular with children of all ages. However, this popularity has increased in the last few decades. The boom of technologies, AI and the internet made it easy and accessible for all. Children are addicted to video games, which become an integral part of entertainment, especially after the pandemic. However, a drastic transition in video games has been seen in the last few decades. Earlier, only a few games were available, like Snake, etc. Later on, it was played in video parlours and gaming centres, but now this is available on our hands, i.e. through mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc. It is popularly believed that video games hurt children’s personalities and their brains, as some games cause addiction, violent behaviour and extreme competition. Sometimes, they can’t differentiate between the real world and the game world (Virtual world) due to addiction.

On the contrary, video games may have a positive effect on children’s personality and brain development, but there should be smart pick and smart choice by parents and kids. Some games can teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, communication, role play, decision-making, etc. Some can even provide a safe platform for children to learn and explore the opportunities to learn. But this requires smart choices and a close watch by parents.


Videogames started with simple adventures on arcade machines and have now evolved into a multibillion-dollar industry with smart technologies and global reach. The first video game, “Pong,” was launched in 1972; it was the first computer game, a simple two-dimensional “tennis-like “ game with two paddles and a ball. Later on, the rise of home consoles in the 1970s is considered the golden age of arcade video games. The first console games were for the Magnavox Odyssey, released in 1972. They consisted of simple games with three white dots and a vertical line. The second generation of consoles introduced more powerful capabilities and less hardware. This is the period of rapid technological growth and the cultural influence of arcade video games. Shooter games, defender, Galaga, Frogger, Mario and Pac-Man-like 3D games were part of this golden age.


In the 1990s, a significant shift was seen in video games, which introduced the transition from 2D games to 3D graphics.


Today, video games include a wide range of platforms, from MMOs (Massive multiplayer online games) or cloud gaming to Mixed, virtual, and augmented reality games such as Xbox, graphic cards, etc.


The inexplicable marks of video games can be seen in our lives. Whether it’s education, culture, or technology, video games have had their impressions on all of these sectors. Although their impact on our children is still debatable, whether positive or negative is still a topic of discussion. Like” every coin has two sides,” video games are two-sided; only the matter is intelligent choice.

The prime motto of video games is to provide entertainment. It allows players to stay away from the stress and give them immense pleasure. It not only involves players for hours but also has an impact on the cultures; the impact of characters such as Mario and Lara Croft have become icons of many brands. We can easily see these in kids’ accessories, etc.

Breaking the stereotype, many video games now involve multiplayer, cloud gaming, online games, etc., that provide opportunities and communications between players of different cultures, backgrounds, and countries. Social media, game communities, and groups provide companionship through online gaming. Competitive games, tournaments, etc., attract enormous audiences around the world, creating a sense of community.

Video games are useful not only for cultural and social influences but also for education. It develops critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and puzzle-solving and helps to create children’s mental and cognitive senses. Interactive learning can also be experienced through games. According to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green: “Video games change your brain”. Like other learning behaviours, such as reading and music, which change the brain’s physical structure, video games can also build brain muscles and release neurotransmitters such as dopamine to strengthen the brain muscles. Another study By Marc Palaus, published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, said playing video games changes brain structures and performance.

Many research and scientific studies emphasise the benefits of videogames:

  1. A study by the Michigan State University’s Children and Technology Project found a positive relationship between video games and creativity regardless of gender, race or type of video game played. However, this study does not examine the use of cell phones, the Internet, and computers.UK National Literacy Trust study Trust showed that playing video games enhances confidence in reading and writing skill also encourages creativity and Communication skills.
  2. Video games can also improve decision-making in children. A study by Rochester University Showed People who played action-based video games made decisions 25% faster than others without sacrificing accuracy. Unexpectedly, the action games that worry the parents the most also showed the strongest beneficial effect on the brain. This study was supported by cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier, who studies the impact of action games at Switzerland’s University of Geneva and the University of Rochester in New York.
  3. Another 2022 study by Georgia State University researchers found that video game players made faster and more accurate decisions than those who rarely played.
  4. According to Berni Good, a cyberpsychologist, Video games give your child a feeling of happiness or well-being, which is a human psychological need.

Experts believe that parents playing video games with their kids can boost better communication between them.


Despite all the benefits, video games have many drawbacks and disadvantages. Its may affect physical health, mental health or well-being of player. However, the impact of video games on health is a topic of discussion. However, the research showed excessive gaming can lead to many health issues related to a sedentary lifestyle. Addiction to games sometimes goes beyond the limit and may be dangerous for children. Some games, such as VR (Virtual Reality), immerse the players in a virtual environment. Cloud gaming and online gaming may end up with online harassment. Violence in games and excessive competition may lead to aggressive behaviour in youth, and sometimes, it ends up in disasters. Also, most parents find it a waste of time and a distraction for their children. Some education experts think that these games may corrupt the brains of children as violent games cause aggressiveness and antisocial behaviour in children.

In conclusion, video games have evolved not only for entertainment purposes but also as a cultural phenomenon that touches various aspects of society. They offer entertainment, education, social interaction, and technological innovation. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, it’s essential to recognise their positive impact and their challenges. Video games are more than mere pastimes; they reflect our changing world and the driving force behind them. Also, a gentle reminder for all that the effects of video games on the brain may differ from person to person, and it cannot be generalised that all games have the same impact or benefits. Also, it is a suggestion for parents to choose games wisely for their kids. Select a game that parents or family can play with kids so that games can be a source of good parenting, learning and Family bonding.


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